If these transfections can be considered 'safe and effective' then, by that same standard, getting covid naturally would be 'safe and extremely effective'

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Both funny and correct.

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Ha ha, that is so true.

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Wow. This is the first of your articles I have read, and I have just subscribed. I very much appreciate your well researched, unhyped, unbiased data and analysis. Well done! Thank you.

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Thank you, Ma'am!

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Yes another tour de force by a new character in the cast of data heroes.

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Thank you for your work and shedding light on so much crucial information!

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Thank you for your subscription!!

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Are you gonna believe the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex or these lying numbers?

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Safe and effective

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“100% safe and effective…and unusually effective against the variants…” Dr. Pfauci

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Great reporting on the AE's tied to the booster. I have recently published a SubStack which would supplement your findings. My piece just looks at the evolution of severe COVID over time, relating it back to the evolution of vaccine coverage rates.

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Thanks will check it out.

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I’m a little confused about the math for this statement, “The survey results were based on responses from 2,049 Israelis. The MoH reports based on passive surveillance were reported as events per million doses. You have to multiply 2,049 by 488 to get to a million. So the number of each type of event was multiplied by 488 to approximate the total number of reports per million that should have been documented in the passive system”.

Wouldn’t 2,049 people at 3 shots each have received 6,147 does, making the multiplying factor to reach 1,000,000 doses be 163? Or am I missing something here?


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I'm only talking about (and counting) booster doses, because the survey was focused on people asking about their experience after the booster dose. But I do see the logic of what you're saying.

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Good article; I can tell you that there are definitely ultra orthodox Israelis that do not have smart phones and some have no phones so perhaps these are the ones without phones that you were wondering about.

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Yes that had occurred to me. That's probably most of it. It might also be just missing data in their system. Hard to know.

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I was thinking it was the people who died. Maybe both of us are partially correct. :)

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Thank you so much for sharing this with the world!

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Outstanding reporting

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Good work. Thank You. Take 5000 units vitamin-D/day if you weigh over 100#.

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Thanks! I know it's blasphemy but I actually think that vitamin D *supplements* are not good for people, definitely not in the long run. See more here:



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I am with you on that. It is a correlation that I believe in part is a third variable that may not have much independent strength as a causal variable, and in some cases can lead to harmful self-dousing with Vit D supplements. The complexity of the behavior of the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) with respect to inflammation, response to pathogens, activation of T-cells, and autoimmunity. Is stunningly complex and important.

But people are so emotionally devoted to the correlation. The following article is a brilliant counter narrative on Vitamin D with mechanisms of action and evidence:




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The main thing is to have your measured 25 hydroxy vitamin-D level in the normal (30-100) rang, though above 70 appears ideal. All of the data is based upon this, and there is a LOT of data. Surf lifeguards in Hawaii don't need to worry, of course. David Grimes MD has an excellent website, fun to read, even. http://www.drdavidgrimes.com/

My blog is www.johndayblog.com

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Sorry gonna have to disagree with you again. 1,25-D is the active form that is actually the 'active' form in that it binds with vitamin D receptors. There has never been a study that documented a correlation between low 1,25-D and disease/poor health. They have only measured the proxy 25OH that is not highly correlated with 1,25-D. Many people with low 25OH have high (too high) 1,25-D.

Not only that, but the 'ideal' level of vitamin D was raised in 2010 contrary to the evidence and recommendation of experts (in an effort led by Michael Holick who is basically an industry frontman). I'm not going to debate this. You can learn more here, if you want:





Bottom line: the vitamin industry is big pharma. People think they've pushed through pharma propaganda into 'natural' health world of vitamin supplements when many if not most supplements are bad for you -- in the long run at least. (This is esp. true for vitamins A & D -- why do you think they add that to milk, because they care about our health?)

Anyway, you can promote whatever you want, but please don't promote it here or try to drag me into a debate.

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I'm not going to debate it , either. I am a family physician, fired for non-compliance with COVID "vaccine" last October, after treating patients for 2 years with repurposed antivirals, first HCQ/Zn/Azithromycin + D, then ivermectin/Zn/doxycycline + D when that became politically untenable/forbidden. I have been tracking and treating vitamin-D levels since 2006, on a lot of people. My last level was 79. I gave away $1200 worth to patients/staff in 2020. The Vitamin D treatment data for COVIDis here. https://c19vitamind.com/ Calcifediol and calcitriol also work well.

Taking 200,000 - 300,000 IU at onceachieves a normal level in most people within 72 hours (takes time to convert) and it lasts for 3-4 weeks. I advise the higher dose over 200#. That study data is compiled here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC4824637/

The first thing is to assure is the protection of an immune system that needs a vitamin-D in each immune cell-membrane receptor, like a one-use ticket to work. You chew up vitamin-D when sick or inflamed. You need plenty to start with. Most people are very low.

Again David Grimes MD in England is mostly retired, but a true expert in medical vitamin-D, and tells a lovely history of vitamin-D an immunity if you scroll down a few posts. I think he lowballs the dose a bit, which he also acknowledges in his recent post. http://www.drdavidgrimes.com/

I blog at www.johndayblog.com

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Oh, I think big pharma HATES Holick. :-)

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An amazing piece. Thank you. Have you looked at the raw vaccine trial data?

Its available now at this link..


Look at site 1128 report among others for evidence of data fraud. Post dating adverse events.

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Thanks. I have not given those documents serious attention, though I know others have. But thank you for the pointer to signs of data fraud. That could be huge.

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According to the Perushim division of the Jerusalem Chevra Kedisha the death count was up by at least 150% about 2 months ago. Yet the MOH has recently preordered a few million doses of omicron shots from Pfizer for upcoming use. Why hasn’t a police report been filed yet to investigate the MOH & these shots?

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That's alarming! We should start calling all of the different Chevra Kedisha divisions to ask them about this. The Israeli police won't do everything. Two Israeli lawyers already got tens of thousands of people to file a complaint against the new green pass regulations back in October and the police dismissed all of them.

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I’m sorry, but, yes, other vaccines on the childhood schedule cause injuries in high numbers. They won’t be acknowledged or pulled either. 54% of kids have chronic illness. One major cause is the US schedule.

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Is there any treatment for those battling chronic neurological symptoms following the shot?

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Kristopher, what are the symptoms?

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