Given the media suppression, the denialism within the majority public, I'm starting to think that even if we carrier pigeons, semaphore or Morse coded this info to everyone, they would still be pushing everyone to be innocculated.

Is it me or have we transitioned to living in the movie "Idiocracy"?!๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Very much so.

Don't look up

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Well, I mean. Crocs are awfully popular.

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Unbelievable! Interesting article.

I've had an initial look at the Pfizer data as well.


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When do the trials begin, or should we just go and get a rope already?

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The trial sponsors will definitely be blinded for that!

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The factcheckers are no doubt all over this - oh wait.

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Important to know! Thanks for this expose`.

The "math/stats" of the Protocol Violations table actually works out worse than reported though (you went easy on Pfizer). Good tests for rare events are Poisson and Exact Binomials.

Because the sample sizes were essentially identical (21,825 +/- 3), you can get a quick view of the probability of obtaining the other sample based on the parameters of the first, using the Poisson distribution.

The probability of observing 61 or less successes in an interval of ~22,000 people -- when the Poisson mean is 311 successes (per ~22,000) -- is tiny:

2.4 * 10^-67

It is much, much less likely than even 1 in 999 trillion.

The binominal probability of 61 or less out of 21828, using the probability of (311/21,823=) 0.014251 -- is even lower still:

5.3 * 10^-68

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Thanks for that! I just did a bog standard chi square test.

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I did some follow-up and ran a crazy-high 99.99% confidence interval on each group, one each for Poisson mean and one each for Exact Binomial.

Even with such a high confidence level, there was still no overlap. In fact, the gap between the bounds of the two intervals was still big enough to drive a truck through.


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They could have wrapped some colored tape around the vials so that no one could see inside to know what they got. It would have been an easy fix. Thanks for reporting on this Josh.

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Agree, it sounds like a bullshit excuse.

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Nurses need to see the liquid when they fill the syringes. Participants probably can see the liquid in the syringe too.

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Excellent. Open Edward Dowd link to his twitter and scroll down thru tweets. Their is and excellent Zoom link to watch and listen to Dr. Peirre Kory, Dr Jessica Rose, Edward Dowd, the lead systems analist from the PANDA group out of S. Africa, a GP Dr. from Ireland, and the host. 1 hr 38 minutes. Excellent. Thanks Josh.

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From the article: <<Why does that matter? Recall that there was a much higher rate of โ€œprotocol deviationsโ€ among the placebo group than the treatment group (331 in treatment vs. 61 in placebo):>>

Don't you mean a much lower rate of deviations among the placebo group?

Great article, but please fix this - it's an important point and is confusing.

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oops, thanks -- fixing now

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Thank you! Excellent research you have done.

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Thanks for that research!

Fortunately, the vaccine was only given to a couple of billion folks.

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More than a study, it looks like a whore house to me.

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A whore house is far superior to the study. I find no fault with how people make money if it causes no harm to others.

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Can't prove it, but knew there was fraud from the get-go. Billions at stake, a psychopathic corporation, a rushed trial, claims of too high efficacy. Important context is the fact that this fraud is the norm in vax trials. Real world data that is covered up anyhow, shows failures with pertussis, measles, chickenpox, mumps, and flu vaccines. And not only. Double blinded vax trials with inert placebo, independent of Big Pharma and Pharma interference (which means captured health agencies and they are all captured), are not done. Ever. They can't be. Only way is independent university, research institute trials. Key word there being independent, that is of both Pharma funding (direct, indirect), and a vax zealotry. So forget about it.

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Tremendous publication. ("Criminality of pharmaceutical companies" in the last paragraph links to Wikipedia. I have no confidence in Wikipedia; it sings The Narrative Song. )

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Tremendous publication. ("Criminality of pharmaceutical companies" in the last paragraph links to Wikipedia. W'pedia sings The Narrative Song.

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Just out of the sky..... why was Pfizer eger to keep the document for 75 years.... ?? AND are there "lost documents" as well?

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The skewed research maintains all 'Null Hypothesis' regardless. NO RESEARCH IS RELEVANT SINCE THERE ARE COMPLETELY INACCURATE DATA AS REPORTED TO THE PUBLIC. There is a substantial probability for the only trustworthy outcomes to be found by the programed Algorithms or Ai which can lie as programed; but continues to hold accurate data for Program Management.

An Intermittent Schedule of Reinforcement is the one most likely to produce identified behavioral outcomes for defined short-term durations not holding true over an identified long-term duration. Unpredictability of Reinforcement ALWAYS RESULTS in total distrust and an escalating reduction in desired behavior; thus those implementing and managing the program prove their WEAKNESS AND INABILITY TO REMAIN THE CONTROL in the experiment.

Perhaps, THIS is the primary and virtually ONLY STRENGTH THE Universal World Population has in the continuing depopulation/enslavement/transhumanistic strategy in Method towards achieving Absolute Control. This SHOULD provide a blueprint for the general public for more coordinated and effective resistance.

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Tracking down and documenting the 311 vaccine arm withdraws is a small sample set of potentially significant importance. 6x the rate of the placebo arm? Really? The Augusto Roux story out of the sketchy site 1231/4444 in Buenos Aires is just one of those 311, and a horrific case of ignoring a severe AE by deeming it a protocol deviation! They all need to be called to testify in the #Phraud of the Century

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