Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

It was a military operation in the US too. Still ongoing.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

It had to be here in the UK as well. There is no other logical explanation for the behaviour and outright lies that we were told and the sheer smugness of some of the perpetrators who thought and indeed still think they are immune from any liability.

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You're familiar the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt?

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Not that I don't trust Sasha but TheDukeReport video from yesterday titled Go North! had some more information about Sasha's daughter. Her husband used to work for BCG (Boston Consulting Group). This is such a complicated web that I can't trust anything.

I just spent some time on twitter and Dr. Andrew G. Huff was arguing about Covid origin with James Thorp MD. Huff makes what sounds like an airtight case for lab leak using hard science. But I don't buy it. There's too much evidence from other domains.

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JJ Couey in a video from Mathew Crawford's recent post said RNA viruses don't copy well and can't cause a pandemic in nature. The only way accurate copies could have spread around the world is by making the copies in a lab and sending the copies to other labs and then releasing them. That gave the appearance of a pandemic because the same virus was found at several locations, but after the initial small surge of infections, the numbers quickly declined to zero, as RNA viruses do naturally.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow


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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

I'm sure it will eventually be shown that every country that had contracts with Pfizer for shots, also had military involvement.

Australia's highest general was specifically brought in for its shot rollout, via National Cabinet Taskforce. I would expect that there is a paper trail between Pfizer and Australia's military.🤔🤨😐😑

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I would go beyond that and say it's all military. Big pharma, their regulators and government medical bureaucrats are all just theater. It's the only theory that includes all pieces of the puzzle seemlessly. The fake vaccine safety monitoring, the fake vaccine trials, the fake scientific studies, the US military distribution, the impossibility of getting even one used syringe to test, the near infinite arguments over virus origin, the mandating on 6 month olds and above, the shutting down of therapeutics, the Argentine contracts (no way Pfizer has that much pull). This must be a worldwide government effort using their militaries (is Russia, China and Iran in on it? - probably).

How they got almost everyone to go along with this is a far bigger conundrum. And don't give me that psychological operation nonsense. I've had bowel movements more scientific than the entire field of psychology. Either it was electromagnetic entrainment, nanotech mind control or God has withdrawn protection from most people leaving them open to Satanic influences (they're fools in their hearts = open to believing anything and cherry picking evidence to fake prove it). I lean on the last explanation but I'm open to being proven wrong.

I've dropped most of my sources since the Project Veritas Jordon Walker video con and the Seymour Hersh nursery rhyme calibre Nord Stream bombing story. I now follow Brendon O'Connell, George Webb and Conspiracy Distillery. And I don't trust these guys but I follow them because I'm getting the deepest information. I almost done with Covid info.

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New Docs Reveal Department of Defense Controlled COVID-19 Program from the Start

FDA Vaccine Approval Process was Theater

A combination of the PREP Act, Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and Other Transactions Authority (OTA) Shielded Big Pharma, Agencies, and Medical Participants that Delivered Unregulated Vaccines from Any Liability

WASHINGTON, DC - According to congressionally passed statutes, research of active laws, and extra details obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the Department of Defense owns, implements, and oversees the COVID-19 vaccine program as a “Countermeasure” to foreign

attack. While the public was bombarded with an orchestrated fear campaign, the U.S. Government managed the Covid response as a national security threat.

The research and documents were obtained by a former executive of a pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization (CRO), Sasha Latypova, and intensive legal researcher Katherine Watt. You can watch Latypova detail her groundbreaking findings here.

The Four-Legged Stool

The undercover operation was orchestrated utilizing four critical legal maneuvers: 1. Public Health Emergency (PHE),

2. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA),

3. Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP Act),

4. Other Transactions Authority (OTA)

On January 31, 2020, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary, Alex M. Azar declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Services (PHS) Act, 42 U.S.C. 247d, for the entire United States. A PHE bestows a substantial amount of war-time authority upon the HHS Secretary. This PHE declaration was one day after a similar declaration by the WHO.

On March 10, 2020, HHS Secretary, Alex M. Azar, issued a “Notice of Declaration” to activate the PREP Act to provide liability immunity for Covered Persons and Covered Countermeasures. The PREP Act declaration filled six pages of the Federal Register on March 17, 2020 that can be found here, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-03-17/pdf/2020-05484.pdf

Covered Countermeasures are any antiviral, any other drug, any biologic, any diagnostic, any other device, or any vaccine, used to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate COVID–19. The administration of President Trump placed the National Security Council in charge of the Covid policy. Covid-19 vaccines are “medical countermeasures” – a grey area of products that are not regulated as vaccines or medicines. According to government documents acquired by Latypova, $47.5 Billion was awarded in contracts by BARDA as of 10/29/2021 for Covid-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.

“They put the National Security Council in charge and treated it as an act of war,” said Latypova.

According to Operation Warp Speed/ASPR reports, the DoD ordered, oversaw, and tightly managed the development, manufacture, and distribution of Covid countermeasures, mainly utilizing the DoD’s previously established network of military contractors and consortia.

Department of Defense, BARDA, and HHS ordered all Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines” as prototype demonstrations of large-scale manufacturing, avoiding regulations and transparency under Other Transaction Authority (OTA). As prototypes used under EUA during PHE, Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines,” need not comply with the U.S. laws for manufacturing quality, safety, and labeling.

“The implication is that the U.S. Government authorized and funded the deployment of noncompliant biological materials on Americans without clarifying their ‘prototype’ legal status, making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while maintaining a fraudulent pseudo- ‘regulatory’ presentation to the public,” said Latypova.

“Most incredible is the fact that current Laws enacted by the United States Congress appear to make the coverup actions LEGAL!”

Under the PHE, medical countermeasures are not regulated or safeguarded as pharmaceutical products (21 USC 360bbb-3(k).

The American people were led to believe that the FDA, CDC, and figureheads like Anthony Fauci oversaw the COVID-19 vaccine program. Their involvement was an orchestrated information operation. All decisions concerning the COVID-19 vaccine research, materials acquisition, distribution, and information sharing were tightly controlled by the DoD.

Hundreds of Covid countermeasures contracts have been uncovered. Many disclosures are in redacted form. However, Latypova and Watt have found sources to fill in the details. A review of these contracts indicates a high degree of control by the U.S. Government (DoD/BARDA). It specifies the scope of deliverables as “demonstrations” and “prototypes” only while excluding clinical trials and manufacturing quality control from the scope of work paid for by the contracts. To ensure that the Pharma is free to conduct the fake clinical trials without financial risk, the contracts include the removal of all liability for the manufacturers and any contractors along the supply and distribution chain under the 2005 PREP Act and related federal legislation.

Why is no action by regulators or courts? According to Latypova and Watt, a combination of recently passed legislation and executive orders make it LEGAL to LIE! The HHS Secretary is accountable to no one if the Health National Emergency continues to be extended by Congress every three months.

A significant information operation was set in motion the minute COVID-19 hit. The U.S. government, the intelligence community, the media, and Big Tech colluded to orchestrate and implement an intense pressure campaign designed to get the vaccine legally designated under the Emergency Use Authorization Act while vilifying dissenting doctors, critics, and viable alternative treatments. This designation allowed for speedy manufacturing devoid of the standard safety and public health protocols.

For a vaccine to receive designation under the EUA, there can be no other known treatments or

cures. Therefore, many proven treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were blacklisted in the media and dismissed as “horse dewormers” when these cheap, readily available drugs were in the past heralded for their effectiveness.

Eminent COVID-treating doctors such as Peter M. McCullough and Pierre Kory have faced unprecedented attacks on their medical credentials.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Same everywhere.

The entire Covid Operation was a US/EURO/UK intel operation designed to accomplish the following objectives among others:

1) Pre-emption of and disguising the reasons for the economic implosion of Western financial sector-bailout of financial sectors of G7 nations under guise of "Covid emergency funds";

2) Acceleration of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in human history;

3) Justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society, digitized plantation;

4) Empowering and enriching the Security State’s counterpart the Big Tech Cartel via tracking apps, proliferating and normalizing social media and communication platforms as “the middle man” in all walks of life. Moving all social life towards the technological imperative- meals ordered via DoorDash, meetings on Zoom, increased spending via Visa/MasterCard by ordering goods online with Amazon, films via Netflix etc., were all forced onto a gullible and largely compliant world public during the Covid tyranny;

5) The creation of “The Pandemic” as a financial mechanism. Manufactured pandemics have become mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power;

6) Expansion of the public health industry itself into all walks of public and economic life. The public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and financial conglomerates and has become one of the most critical financial instruments for investors;

7) Creation of an entirely new and lucrative Bio-Medical “health management” system in order to introduce and codify an entirely new Bio-Tech medical model for the Pharmaceutical Industry with a focus on “revolutionary” uploadable mRNA “vaccines”;

8) Expansion of and normalizing the use of digital IDs, including vaccine passports, connecting these to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scrip, allowing for the tracking of purchases; medical interventions, “lifestyle choices”, etc. “nudging” us towards ‘desired’ behaviors or shutting us out of the system altogether as they wish;

9) A re-organisation, privatization and reduction of public services under the pretense of making them “more nimble” for “public emergencies”;

10) Wipe out large numbers of elderly and disabled people via hospital protocols to "ease burden" of bankrupt pension systems;

11) Conditioning the public to perpetual “States of Emergency” preparing them for the implementation of “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

Essentially terrorizing everyone possible using the Medical Cartel and Biosecurity State for total control. The peoples of the West have largely stood silent as their governments have slaughtered and plundered people around the world for decades and now those same governments are coming for the people they ostensibly represent (which of course they don't and never have).

Nobody is getting around this one- stand your ground now or resign yourself to tyranny.

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Nailed it - 1000% correct...

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Very comprehensive list, Allen.

I would add: expanding tax-payer funded "healthcare" to include programs like MAID (medical assistance in dying). Feeling depressed? Can't afford to live with your disabilities? The government can help! They are even talking about making MAID available to minors now.

From your Canadian fan.

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Argentina has been a militarized realm for very very long.

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At the risk of nit picking it seems you are missing control of elections.

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How? How can we resist? Is it too late?

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Have to resist on a local level. That includes all facets of education, legislation and setting up structures to attend to the basic needs of people.

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Agree. There will have to parallel societies that rise from all of this darkness. Also, never ever comply. If people stop complying their agenda cannot move forward.

Finally, don't forget that there is still more than half of the population who have no idea what is happening and still think the Covid came accidentally from a bat in China and that their government is there to take care of them. These people have to be awakened.

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Spot on here and I'll add the agenda of depopulation via injecting a known bioweapon into the arms of billions of people around the world. Those who don't die from the injection are permanently maimed with cancers, autoimmune diseases, heart diseases, infertility (sterilization) and so on which, not only continues the enrichment of big pharma but keeps the populace perpetually sick and therefore complacent and also compliant. The elite's worker bees are currently flooding across our borders and in the U.S. they were not required to be vaccinated in order to gain entry so they will become the population who service the remaining elites. Artificial intelligence will eventually replace specialty positions such as doctors, surgeons, police, fire, etc....

There's also the agenda of creating billions of "Humans 2.0" with permanently genetically modified DNA with the goal of eventually phasing out and eradicating human-ness altogether as man merges with machine to, of course, take care of the elites who hope themselves to become immortal via this technology.

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What about the "hover cars"? When are we going to get those promised hover cars? It's been like, fifty years!!

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What about Xi and the WHO?

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I think one possible interpretation of this mess is that there is/ has been a war a Xi has won. We have been treated as little more than prisoners of war.

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In this debacle “they” were bound to “piss off the wrong person” many times. I’ve been watching for these key pissed off people since summer 2021: mothers of injured children, injured doctors, injured politicians, injured attorneys etc. of course you have to recognize you’re injured and that you’re not 1 in a million in order to get pissed off and not everyone will. But we don’t need all of them, we just need enough of them. Is it enough now?

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There are never enough "pissed off" ppl. I'd say.

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We can't get at a company or a public authority that are working under military command. But a class action may disclose the military connection. At a higher juridical level these connections can be put in question as being unconstitutional.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

I couldn't agree more with every word you said. Unfortunately, the only thing my opinion differs from yours is that you still believe there's hope (your last sentence). I think we've already stepped into tyranny. The sad part is that the majority still lives oblivious of the obvious.

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I believe there were military spy's units operating in the UK and Canada to "help" with the pandemic response. Might be worth looking into

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

In Australia, they actually had the military working on the rollout. A general, in uniform, said on TV in 2021 that everyone would be vaccinated by Xmas. That was terrifying for those of us who didn't want it.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow
Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

The only way to demonstrate the existence of a contractual relationship is by showing the contract, an excellent explanation by Katherine Watts, but in court we need to comply with rules, these rules refer to sound criticism within criminal procedural systems, The public instrument that enjoys the presumption of legitimacy is needed, without this a situation cannot be demonstrated in a Court or Tribunal... Many present Power Points, but they are not enough to prove something in court

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

I believe they have the contracts. The video was a clip from a much longer video. Here is the full video. https://rumble.com/v27eu7e-dod-vaccines-press-conference-tues-january-24-trimmed.html

Another one I just saw last night from down under also seems to have the proof. The good part is in the last half hour IIRC.


Let me know what you think.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

if they do, then they did not respect the law on access to public information, because they should have been published, sorry but as a lawyer I must allow myself a suspicion, my documents are now published in the FOIA of Argentina, the contract of Pfizer and Moderna of the United States not given that they are still classified, what authority violating the regulations regarding state secrets provided such documentation? We must be cautious

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I thought they did use published contracts but you are the expert. Thanks.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

In any case, I want to highlight the exceptional work of Dr. Katherine Watts, the drafting of all the rules and regulations will surely serve a case in the United States in the future.

However, I cannot make any contribution to Sasha Lapytova, she is not even a lawyer, so she has made some basic legal interpretation errors related to the rules of sound criticism.

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How so? She and Katherine work very closely on the subject overall and most of the legal positions are based on Katherine's work so I'm not tracking on your criticism of Sasha without specifics.

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They did...

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They do with the exception of one I think.

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Note that I am talking about US DOD contracts not Argentina contracts.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

it's nice that vindication is finally rolling in for the heroes in the alternative news space that have carried us through the past 3 years. my favorite part so far is when shitbags like bret stephens reassure us that, aaackshually, you're still all dangerous, conspiracy lunatics -- not because you were wrong, but because you were right 3 years before bret stephens was.

nailing the augusto roux story a full 10 months before it was reported is one of my favorite examples of what bret stephens is talking about.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

No time now to go through the whole doc.

Could translate specific parts if you are interested, though.

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Thanks! I can't point to any specific part.

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I have gone through it very quickly. It seems like legal/clinical jibber jabber, nothing too concrete. Or at least I cannot see anything relevant.

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It says that NaCl will be the placebo. Several authors doubt that this was true. As for example, Dr. Jessica Rose.

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Clause 8 (page 14). Compulsory to do additional pregnancy tests every 4 weeks to all women of child-bearing age. Was it done?

Mail for the Principal Investigator belongs to vanderbilt.edu.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

I have US veteran friends. They are weary of talking about DoD's involvement too (tho they are anti jabs. They prefer to criticise big pharma and other govt entities) This hesitancy slows down the investigations.

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In 2021, Amazing Polly did two videos about this Fernando Polack, whose ITRIALS, SA we now learn contracted with the Argentinean military. Polack also has a network of 26 pediatric hospitals funded by Bill Gates and the NIH, where Vanderbilt University sends medical students to learn "Translational Medicine", aka experiments on babies and children (https://www.vumc.org/global-health/infant-foundation):



Fernando Polack is still working for multiple drug companies (Pfizer, Merck, Novavax, Medimmune, Sanofi, Regeneron, Bavarian Nordic, Janssen) and based on the 40+ new RSV vaccine candidates currently in development and on recent alarmist published reports that Polly had seen, she predicted an upcoming PSYOP involving the Respiratory Syncyntial Virus (RSV), which is a nothingburger that causes the same symptoms as the Common Cold.

Back in 2021, before the military dimension of this global operation was understood, Polly had urged everyone to start putting pressure on the individuals involved in this new vaccine warfare model using the Saul Alinsky tactic of “Freeze it and personalize it.” So she picked Fernando Polack.

She says, “You can’t put an idea in jail. You can put people in jail."

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I red the Contract, and clearly it is between Pfizer and the Militar Central Hospital Cosme Argerich in Buenos Aires. Simply: between Pfizer and the Argentine Militar .

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Thank you, I've updated the text of my post with your comment.

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Great. I am from Argentina (live in Berlin), then if you need to check something in spanish, when I can, I would help. Keep going and spread the word of this FRAUD and SCAM. The people of Argentina are not that aware of the big context of all this predator attack.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

if they do, then they did not respect the law on access to public information, because they should have been published, sorry but as a lawyer I must allow myself a suspicion, my documents are now published in the FOIA of Argentina, the contract of Pfizer and Moderna of the United States not given that they are still classified, What authority violating the regulations regarding state secrets provided such documentation? We must be cautious

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

maybe it is just a side note: this had been published on the website of German Department of Defense and one can clearly see that NATO was indeed involved:


"...According to AKK*, all NATO partners are affected by the pandemic - but not "in the same way and at the same time." Thus, he said, member states support each other most effectively when their resources are deployed in a coordinated manner.

Countering disinformation and fake news

An additional challenge in the Corona crisis, according to Secretary General Stoltenberg, is disinformation and fake news from state and non-state actors. Their goal, he said, is to undermine member states' democracies. Defense ministers agreed to continue countering fake news with facts and concrete actions. "We are now working even more closely with allies and the European Union," the NATO secretary general said. The goal, he said, is to "monitor and detect disinformation and respond accordingly." *Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (minister of defense until 12/2021)

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

In Germany the Military had a leading role, they engaged on contact tracing, helped out in care homes because of lacking personel (quarantine because of positive testin) the whole logistics and I found a foia which revealed that the MoD did contract on covid medication. The leadership of the vaccine campaign had been a General Breuer until shortly before the russian invasion (2 days before) and since march 2020 also General Holtherm was on the Covid response team.

I hope there will be more digging, but even though the most used injections are from german company, the opposition regarding the covid mandates seem to turn a blind eye. But it will be difficult to get hold on military secrets, as it mostly is kept in secret because of "national security", even though german military had been prohibited to engage nationally, except on extreme weather events like floods, they could take hold on this because of calling out emergency. So without proving that there hadn't been any emergency on national scope, I don't see how this could be revealed. the report in the Journal Welt is behind a paywall. Thank you for all your efforts.

Do you have contacts to Brazilian participants of the studies? I think they had some sites there too, if I remember well.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

The Argentine military was in charge during the country's Dirty War.

The military would kidnap students, dissidents, and clergy off the street. Then they would be tortured and put into a military helicopter, and tossed out the door over open water.


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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

The problem is, many people believe “people are basically good.” They tend to turn away in horror and denial from such tragic truths as the above news story. They refuse to believe people are kidnapped off the street, etc. Yet they are. Every day. By the time most citizens see the smoke from the battle; the enemy is already well on its way. I do believe there is hope. I hope in God, and his ability to turn men’s hearts. We need this. Especially among our leaders.

Thank you to all the intelligent commentators on this site. I have learned much.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Didn't a lot of those military people in South America get their training (as in torture) from America's torture school, School of the Americas (which think has gotten a name change)?



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Yes, the US trained them.

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And the women are the ones who are not forgetting and demonstrating. It seems to me they spearhead the resistance in a lot of movements. Brava.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

The US statement of contract between Pfizer and DOD clearly states that Pfizer will deliver a FDA approved safe and effective vaccine to the gov't PERIOD. Below is the contract which Pfizer hopes to weasel out of, no doubt. Am sure they have plenty of money to pay off those who help them shift the blame.


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Are you seriously suggesting the author of this substack is being paid to shift the blame?

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I heard her say once she didn't charge to view her substack articles because she doesn't need the money. Of course, for whatever reason, recently she changed that to you may definitely donate ...so whatever.

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It has always been possible to donate but free subscribers can still see the articles - unlike Ms Kingston where you have to pay $10 a month to view full articles/make a comment.

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I am aware of Karen Kingston's subscriber fees. She deserves every cent and more.

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They both do - and should be working together. There was no need for KK the smear these people. I was paid subscriber to KK and cancelled due to that.

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Yes, they really ought to be working together because they all have more in common than not.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

I think Karen thought anyone who is too stupid to know what the contract clearly says isn't worth talking with or are a Pfizer shill.

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Why aren't you a paid subscriber then? You spend an awful lot of time defending her and slandering her supposed opponents, Ms sunny sock-puppet.

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How do you know I am not a paid subscriber? Why are you calling me names?

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Found this in another substack post today, a 14-year-old video discussing no oversight of biolabs in the US and their proliferation. Worth watching:


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Yes I watched that some weeks ago -- very eye-opening! The Sunshine Project no longer exists. But if JJ Couey is more or less right, then there is not really a reason to fear escape of GoF viruses...

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

It’s difficult not to conclude that this is warfare by countries all over the world on their own citizens. I’m sure if any of these acts of malfeasance somehow make big headlines, the pretzel-like contortions of the ruling class to explain it all away that it simply isn’t what it so plainly is, will be a sight to behold.

At some point the brick wall lies ahead where I look forward to seeing these evildoers smack headfirst into it.

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It will hopefully knock some sense into them where they will not protest when we put them to work digging ditches, emptying bedpans etc etc.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

One can hope!

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