Josh, about 15 years ago I questioned the veracity of an FDA paper On anthrax vaccine by Manette Niu. She remains at FDA and heads a group of epidemiologists today. She claimed to use this Bayesian analysis method, but underestimated certain symptom combinations by a factor of 10 back then. She was forced to issue a correction once I threatened her with the charge of scientific misconduct.

What may be of greater interest is the fact that I asked for the algorithm she was using to perform this Bayesian analysis, and I was told it was proprietary and belonged to a company in Massachusetts. The implication was that FDA did not know the method it was using to analyze adverse events.

Might I suggest you look into the algorithm being used today?

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Great suggestion, Meryl -- thanks! We will do this.

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Dr. Nass I have the entire database of deleted reports dating back to ~2007 or everything that medalerts.org wayback machine has, as I scraped it from there. I plotted and visualized the entire deleted reports history and saw another mass deletion happen on one cycle on Dec8, 2009. Among other things they deleted ~65 Polio Death reports! They probably would have needed to close the polio vax program down back then if these were not duplicate or false reports. I even asked Dr. McCullough about it myself during a couple of podcasts here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oXvG5U5g2Aj9/ and here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/b2trIJRFE7ms/

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Can you share some examples of deleted reports?

I assume they aren't simply duplicates, right?

This is so shady.

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Thank you for asking. I have an entire Tableau Dashboard dedicated and connected to the Medalerts Wayback Machine for such an analysis. Down in the bottom left corner of dashboard there are a few "how to" videos to help you navigate the dashboard. God Bless.


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I also have this particular record of a two year old Alaskan baby that died 6hrs after vax. However the record only existed in the downloaded files for a few minutes before it was retracted and never formally published! Therefore it was never officially "deleted"? As tragic as the babies death was, it speaks more towards the ~25K records or ID#'s that have never been published between the smallest and largest ID# in this c19 jab era. It the reason Aaron Siri accepted my documentation and did a FOIA for the records....


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Much like the UK HSA, MHRA and JVCI, it's really, really difficult to give a straight, honest answer when everything you do is a fricking lie?!

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I have no problem using VAERS data as presented at VAERS.com as a display if sentinel health events (SHO). That simple presentation of AE reports should have been enough for CDC to have taken deep dives into a host of AEs ranging from Bell’s Palsy in children to death.

That data is particularly alarming when one examines those reports that describe AEs on days 0-2 post inoculation.

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Can this information be used in real life to make the government-subsidized nursing home let me in to visit and care for my elderly stroke-disabled mom without having to provide proof that I've had a minimum of 3 doses of an unsafe and proven ineffective product the CDC admits it has not been monitoring for adverse effects for MONTHS after approval and distribution?? It's been two and a half years since I've hugged or kissed her because of their arbitrary, nonsensical, irrational, unscientific, cruel, authoritarian must-be-at-least-triple-dosed rule that does not even apply to the residents themselves. My mother is not jabbed, never will be, and neither will I. We both have acquired natural immunity. She has never been ill or tested positive since, while all around her the triple and quadruple-jabbed staff and residents are constantly testing positive with and without symptoms, which results in quarantine of staff and 24/7 confinement of all residents on the floor where any positive test result occurs. The Home's adoption of insane government-recommended Covid jab and test requirements for all staff, volunteer caregivers and visitors - which they were given the freedom not to use as policy if they wrote their own - resulted in huge staffing shortages that already caused physical harm to my mother in the form of urinary tract infection from neglected diaper change, infected skin wound, severe thrush infection, falls, and most recently a medication error where she was double dosed. Can anyone make sense of how a formerly excellent publicly-funded long term care home with a democratic governing council comprised of residents' family members gets completely overtaken by b.s. issued by WHOferWEFers in Ottawa and Queen's Park and becomes pathologically blind and deaf to the evidence of harm right in front of them?

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That sounds awful. I wish there was something I could do. You and your mom have my sympathy.

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Can you not just get your Mum out of there? I realise that might be overly simplistic but it sounds like a shit-show that I'd not let an elderly parent be part of.

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Well for one thing, ALL the nursing homes in the province adopted the government policy requiring daily nasal swab tests and covid injections for staff and visitors, so there is no where else to send her, and anyway I can't even get inside to get her out. For another, my mom, now 97, did live with us for years, it was lovely to have those years with her but SHE had picked this home, for its non profit status and community council, and applied for it 18 months before. But since the stroke she is severely demented and disabled and needs 24/7 care I can't provide. My husband and I cared for her for months here before a bed came available, in a tiny home that couldn't accommodate her wheelchair, and got ill from caregiver burnout. The nursing home was a godsend. I was able to go there twice a day and help care for her right up until the day they locked it down in early March 2020. It was not a shit show until the outbreak and then the mandates.

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Do they accept religious exemptions?

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No. Not one single Canadian religious leader or group authority came out against this extortion (or the use of aborted fetal cloned cell lines to produce the gene jabs) and most, like the Pope, publicly called the gene jabs a gift from God. So the government pointed to that to justify its refusal to consider religious objections. Only one deeply devout Catholic nurse was allowed to get her job back, and only after a horrendously expensive series of court cases. She 'won' on appeal but the overall judgement did not condemn the government overreach or the public health policy of extortion. And of course the severe adverse events, sudden deaths and fetal losses due to the gene jabs administered by extorting 'consent' were not allowed to be used as evidence in the trial.

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“this isn’t what it looks like, honey.”

Fun reality check & reminder how the cover-up can spotlight the crime. Can't wait for Sept 17th to rock their socks off.. it will be fantabulous & even better with our Josh there!!

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Thanks, Pamela!

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Pamela - what's happening Sept 17?

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Never mind...Vienna

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Excellent review — I am sorry that there will be another chapter in the CDC’s saga of ongoing perfidy but really appreciate that you are writing on it!

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Corruption or covering their a** due to incompetence/ignorance/stupidity - either way this is hardly what we want in public health body!

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If you su, be su of your facts.

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I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t realize you were talking about Canada. I know many Catholic religion exemptions were denied.

I was able to get my college kids exempted from the exemption after they joined the Universal Church of Wisdom. The founder is a chiropractor who is against all vaccines and believes in the holistic healing and allowing the body to heal itself.

It may sound crazy, but I know many people that this worked for. A family that belonged to the church had challenged their daughter’s school district in Massachusetts. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court in MA and they won.

Don’t know if it would help you, but I thought I’d pass it on. It only costs like $50.00 to join and you can do it online or mail in your application.

Good Luck!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2023, at 7:22 AM, Aliss Terpstra <forum@mg1.substack.com> wrote:

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I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t realize you were talking about Canada. I know many Catholic religion exemptions were denied.

I was able to get my college kids exempted from the exemption after they joined the Universal Church of Wisdom. The founder is a chiropractor who is against all vaccines and believes in the holistic healing and allowing the body to heal itself.

It may sound crazy, but I know many people that this worked for. A family that belonged to the church had challenged their daughter’s school district in Massachusetts. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court in MA and they won.

Don’t know if it would help you, but I thought I’d pass it on. It only costs like $50.00 to join and you can do it online or mail in your application. Good Luck!

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