Chillingly cold. I wonder if the recent decision of the MHRA to stop publishing the Yellow Card reports, is in part due to not being able to keep up, so they aren't even going to try anymore.

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I know several people who have more things wrong with them after being jabbed, developing diabetes, skin cancers, tremor, fainting, eye problems worsened, arthritis worsened, etc. but none have reported to Yellow Card as most do not associate them with the jabs as they are things which have developed more than 2 weeks after getting the jabs. Can you imagine the number of reports there would be if every recipient of jabs was given Pfizer's list of AE's after jabbinaton? Realistically, how many would have rolled up their sleeve if they had the full disclosure in order to give informed consent?

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Therein lies the rub; you can't give full disclosure if you have not done the long term trials required to illicit what it is you need to disclose- which was alway my problem with these vaccines. I recall laughing and saying to my husband at the time "no one is going to take something that has no long term safety data and from which the manufacturer has no liability". It's a good thing I'm not a betting person...

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90 days, just 3 months, Pfizer had over 1,200 deaths and over 40k adverse events! Also, the fraudulent mock trials had more deaths than the placebo group and the supposed 95% effective was less than 1%. This data was obtained under court order. It was the FDA who already had this data and refused to supply it for 75 years. The contracts are US DoD with various already set up contractors, including named pharma companies but all control was DoD and they bought under special contract called Other Transaction Authority, products named either prototypes, demonstrations or countermeasures, NOT PHARMACEUTICAL GOODS! This ensured all practices under pharma products did not have to be adhered to. Go check out Sasha Latypova's stack.

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I am a subscriber to her substack, which has been eye opening for sure.

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I said the same thing Camilla. I am still in disbelief and sickened by how many people took the bait.

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Same situation here:

> Recently received word about a perfectly healthy and active (vaxxed) acquaintance who is now dealing with stage-3 prostate cancer and sudden onset kidney stones (in BOTH kidneys) that were the "hardest" his doctor had ever seen. In fact, his cancer treatment had to be postponed until they could figure out how to clear the stones out of his kidneys . . . .

> Similarly, a heartbreaking failed IVF procedure included a report from the doctor that the healthy (vaxxed) mother had the "hardest" eggs he had ever seen . . . .

I suspect neither of these individuals has a clue about what might have been the most *significant* contributing factor in each of their personal tragedies . . . .

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Hi Gary, I have some insight into that. Yellow Card reports actually made their way onto VAERS and these reports contained MHRA system entry codes. I looked at this and the codes would increase numerically around 80,000- 10,000 bi weekly and each increase was roughly in line with the number of adverse reactions + the Yellow card itself. At around March maybe April 2001, they were declaring way more in their reports than were being inputted on the system indicating major problems within the MHRA. After that, their declaration of injuries declined although their was a curious peak of inputting a few months later. Importantly, the numbers inputted were consistantly higher than they were declaring in their reports indicating they were catching up.

I only went up until late November of the first year but curiously input levels fell during the booster campaign. Injury report levels rose only slightly.

If anyone had a copy of VAERS data before they removed the MHRA yellow card reports, I would be interested?

I do have concerns of a separate dataset for the boosters of which we have not seen.

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I have that for you here Mr. Feldman: https://www.vaersaware.com/post/vaers-nov-11th-downloadable-files in my website (vaersaware.com) I have retained the data that was scrubbed within my dashboards, however nothing can be done with the "new" reports.

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Hi, I have gone through the data and made a substack post to show what I've found.

And it looks shocking tbh. I've managed to quantify the numbers that may be missing. Thanks again for that spreadsheet, it's made it all possible. https://feldmans.substack.com/p/are-the-mhra-releasing-all-of-their

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Excellent Stephen! I’ll help your info launched into the jet stream!

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The post received many views and a number of subs. Definitely you've made a big difference there, thank you! It was only because you replied with the data that (and after the dire result) I had to get that info out there and let people know. More postings to come!

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It my honor Stephan. Keep fighting!

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Thanks very much, I'll see what I can find in there.

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Appreciate that thanks so much!!

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Every nation has its own predictable means of masking the same information, with only the acronyms and precise nature of the deception chains differing between them.

More evidence this is being perpetrated at supra-governmental levels.

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This is the bureaucratic sterility plus something new: they are formed with the mindset that they work for a client, and client should be served. After all, everything is a business. I am surprised that few people realise that this is the mindset similar with the one of a hitman- as long as they are paid it does not matter who is the vicitim. And for corporations killers the victims are anonymous: they can die from medical injury, economic poverty, destruction of health systems, and in fact all public systems which have been created to live as a community, as a society. This is the perfect crime- no one will be held accountable. Hannah Arendt also had the intutition of the horror of an world governance- you cannot name anyone, you cannot fight, there is a network well established of accomplices. Like the drug cartels and organized crime networks.

We need to cry for God help like the Prophets. We need to oppose to this New Human transformed in an object in a vast network for money flow, a new kind of humanity, in fact we need to return to our root who is our Creator.

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Well said!!!

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Fortunately, there are a few who recognize the power they have to stop (or at least slow down) some of the madness:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_fd8c5c55a5f5_5704d9eaa619_f04b4cabd3d2

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Excellent work and analysis.

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The numbers are astronomical, even without the URF. CDC knows and Big Pharm recoding. Iatrogenic Malfeceance.

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Stunning reality shocking coverup, big time thanks for investigating these crimes.

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Thanks for the data.

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Thank you - thank you - this is so important! This confirms what we thought would happen - massive VAERS events being reported. Very sad - but that's what we saw coming.

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How about ‘Program’ ?


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We have lost our ability to feel.

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The psychopaths in charge are not encumbered by "feelings", and have nothing but thinly-veiled contempt for the human herd. alt-market.us/gaslighting-how-leftist-psychopaths-demonize-and-demoralize-their-opposition/

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This FOI addresses "novelty bias" argument, given that General Dynamics worked with VAERS during 2009 H1N1 surge. What we do not see is any reference to fraudulent reports as cause for unprecedented/record number of reports to VAERS. Nor do we see any discussion as to what the casue of record number of reports might be

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“Nor do we see any discussion as to what the casue of record number of reports might be”..... from my experience running similar processing centers for State Gov’t...before any additional funding is provided for increased staffing....the “reasons” for the unexpected increase in volume are always analyzed and must be provided to document the validity of the additional funding request.

No explanations = something fishy about the original processing assumptions.

My guess: the contract itself expected higher volumes but refrained resources until the volumes appeared. To get increased funding (and training) of hundreds more people in weeks is highly suspect....they had to be “ready reserve” otherwise the backlog would have taken many more months to process.

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and the band plays on...

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...and yet, despite all this massive increase and in the face of using (an unproven) new technology they don't even pause for a second to wonder if ther possibly just might be some sort of bizarre connection... yet find a myriad of other 'plausible' explanations.

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That's a lot of "sore arms" reported to VAERS.

Would be interesting to know true vaccine uptake by GDIT employees plotted over time from December 2020.

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Thanks for the acknowledgement Josh! I have much to say and very appreciative of all the diligent work. However based the statistics, quantities, timelines and magnitude of this fraud and collusion, I feel General Dynamics and the CDC are still throttling (delay in publishing) reports by intelligent design. I believe there are legitimate reports received by VAERS that will never be published. Keep in mind that is considering reports already diverted to the VSAFE system. Feel free to poke around the world's best VAERS Interactive Dashboard: https://imgur.com/gallery/kRRwyvw

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Pogrom indeed. Don't venture beyond the Pale.

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And either way a complete waste of time and money given that ALL the VAERS safety signals were missed. Or ignored. Either way....

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