Women in Hollywood needed to sleep with Harvey Weinstein to get a role in a movie. That's just how it was. People could not discuss it openly - it was a well-known dirty little secret. To do so was a death sentence to your acting career. How is this any different? If you say ANYTHING that reflects badly on vaccines, you are toast. No job, no grants, no published or cited studies, no invitations to speaking engagements, nothing. Where's the vaccine equivalent of the me-too movement? The same is true in so-called "climate science." Consensus is just another word for narrative management.
i just listened to your talk 2 days ago with 3 other people. Please look at the ONS datasets updated Aug 2023. Males 18-39 in last 13 months of data have no death rate FROM COVID in 0 shots group while 1 2 3 4 shots peers still register covid death rates in those months.
also, for ages 18-90+ (table 1) the weighted average of the all-cause age standardized mortality rate for those who got any shots ends up being consistently about 10% HIGHER than those who got 0 shots for the last 13 months of data, while it started out LOWER . Please see for yourself. Thank you
Oh, great; Another person posting the facts, then waiting for "Daddy-Government" to prove what a Caring Parent he is, not act to save the lives of children. Just what we need.
1) Politicians are exempt from zero laws in zero nations. 2) It IS illegal to a) mandate untested products, B) coerce or intimidate anyone OR their children to have them injected into them, C) as the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, take private $ while in public office (for OBVIOUS REASONS: like the ones you're all whining about right now) & D) give corporations "legal" (they aren't) protections from the harms done by their products.
So you & the hundreds of sites out there also reporting on this have FAR more than enough people on board with ending the mandates than even your governments could block or dismiss (especially as the public, once they see thousands of others on board with this would support it) & yet I can't PAY any of you hypocrites & cowards to even discuss joining in on taking those legal, non-violent measures.
But that's not what you want. You want Daddy to show He Cares. You cowards fantasize about that happening via the agency of whining because that's how Adoring Children appeal to their Daddies. Here, we're dealing with lobbyists.
How tf is WHINING going to cause LOBBYISTS o turn into your Desired Surrogate-Daddies?
& until this DOES work, you're all going to wait for "someone" always meaning someone ELSE to act.
It has to be someone else. And they have to not implicate Daddy-Government in this. Our Beliefs that 'Government' = a Caring Parent are threatened, & far more important to any of you than children's lives. & you'll all prove this by NOT attempting to use these legal, non-violent options to save them.
Language barriers can be overcome, Mr. Guetzkow. For all we Hebrew-illiterates know, the book may contain some of the most astute observations and brilliant reasoning ever published. Or not. We'll never have the opportunity to discover the brilliance or idiocy of the tome if we cannot read it. Translation is not necessarily the biggest obstacle, acknowledging the imperfect conveyance of meaning that machine translation represents, of course.
Can you provide any clues to means of acquisition?
Thank you for pushing forward the ideas of free, uncensored speech.
Women in Hollywood needed to sleep with Harvey Weinstein to get a role in a movie. That's just how it was. People could not discuss it openly - it was a well-known dirty little secret. To do so was a death sentence to your acting career. How is this any different? If you say ANYTHING that reflects badly on vaccines, you are toast. No job, no grants, no published or cited studies, no invitations to speaking engagements, nothing. Where's the vaccine equivalent of the me-too movement? The same is true in so-called "climate science." Consensus is just another word for narrative management.
Excellent research! Thank you!
i just listened to your talk 2 days ago with 3 other people. Please look at the ONS datasets updated Aug 2023. Males 18-39 in last 13 months of data have no death rate FROM COVID in 0 shots group while 1 2 3 4 shots peers still register covid death rates in those months.
also, for ages 18-90+ (table 1) the weighted average of the all-cause age standardized mortality rate for those who got any shots ends up being consistently about 10% HIGHER than those who got 0 shots for the last 13 months of data, while it started out LOWER . Please see for yourself. Thank you
Isn’t that the truth 👍🏻
Oh, great; Another person posting the facts, then waiting for "Daddy-Government" to prove what a Caring Parent he is, not act to save the lives of children. Just what we need.
1) Politicians are exempt from zero laws in zero nations. 2) It IS illegal to a) mandate untested products, B) coerce or intimidate anyone OR their children to have them injected into them, C) as the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, take private $ while in public office (for OBVIOUS REASONS: like the ones you're all whining about right now) & D) give corporations "legal" (they aren't) protections from the harms done by their products.
So you & the hundreds of sites out there also reporting on this have FAR more than enough people on board with ending the mandates than even your governments could block or dismiss (especially as the public, once they see thousands of others on board with this would support it) & yet I can't PAY any of you hypocrites & cowards to even discuss joining in on taking those legal, non-violent measures.
But that's not what you want. You want Daddy to show He Cares. You cowards fantasize about that happening via the agency of whining because that's how Adoring Children appeal to their Daddies. Here, we're dealing with lobbyists.
How tf is WHINING going to cause LOBBYISTS o turn into your Desired Surrogate-Daddies?
& until this DOES work, you're all going to wait for "someone" always meaning someone ELSE to act.
It has to be someone else. And they have to not implicate Daddy-Government in this. Our Beliefs that 'Government' = a Caring Parent are threatened, & far more important to any of you than children's lives. & you'll all prove this by NOT attempting to use these legal, non-violent options to save them.
Where can we find that book and the review that was retracted?
They're both in Hebrew. Do you read Hebrew?
Language barriers can be overcome, Mr. Guetzkow. For all we Hebrew-illiterates know, the book may contain some of the most astute observations and brilliant reasoning ever published. Or not. We'll never have the opportunity to discover the brilliance or idiocy of the tome if we cannot read it. Translation is not necessarily the biggest obstacle, acknowledging the imperfect conveyance of meaning that machine translation represents, of course.
Can you provide any clues to means of acquisition?
Here is the book's website if you want to order a copy: https://gidonkenar.com/turtles-book/
Here is the first chapter (ignore the pdf title): https://gidonkenar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Turtles_Book_Final_Chapter_1.pdf
And here is the article about it that was published in the medical journal then retracted: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wp_dyWvCL9dqBPIKd-IRJJkOKdOsqVch/view
No, but I guess I could use Google translate and see if it is readable.
Sorry I forgot about this until someone else just added a comment about it:
Here is the book's website if you want to order a copy: https://gidonkenar.com/turtles-book/
Here is the first chapter (ignore the pdf title): https://gidonkenar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Turtles_Book_Final_Chapter_1.pdf
And here is the article about it that was published in the medical journal then retracted: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wp_dyWvCL9dqBPIKd-IRJJkOKdOsqVch/view
תודה רבה!