Re "big decline in German mortality", I think you meant "births".

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Thanks, fixed!

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Thrilled to see FOIA powers deployed.. best asymmetric leverage we individuals have... bravo!

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Just a quick eyeball on the US states table doesn’t show much correlation between vax and birth rates. People have been moving a lot in the last year or two, more than usual I think. Maybe state-level data isn’t so helpful here.

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Yes, there are many many variables, including the fact that overall vax rate may not reflect pregnant women vax rate and also the timing of vax uptake will vary considerably

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My eyeballs say states from SD upwards have a significant negative trend compared to those below, starting in March but much more clearly in April. I'm not sure when most mothers were vaxxed in the States.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the chart? But that's what it seems like to me.

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I think the author of the post I took that from would agree with you. See his/her post at the link.

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Lockdowns on their own have an impact on pregnancies

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But it did have a big effect on factors, such as Swedish marriage rates (which dropped almost 20% in 2020-2021, as compared to 2019).

Birth rates (number of live births, fertility rate etc.) have been dropping in Sweden since 2016, with 2021 actually being the outlier.

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Data on life insurance claims also seems to suggest a huge increase in mortality in 2021, but not nearly as much in 2020 when most lockdowns took place. Of course, you could also say there's a delayed effect from substance abuse or skipped cancer screening etc., but it's something to look at in this context.

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I Know. I saw this. There definitely is something going on.

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They would more likely increase them...

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Stress can shut down activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, which controls the reproductive system. This can disrupt the connection between your brain and your ovaries and cause delayed or absent ovulation and irregular or missed periods. Stress does interfere with a woman's ability to get pregnant. Research has shown that women with history of depression are twice as likely to experience infertility. Anxiety can also have a negative effect by prolonging the time needed to achieve pregnancy.

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But this mechanism says nothing about stillbirths.

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“Two stressful events increased a woman's odds of stillbirth by about 40 percent, the researchers' analysis showed. A woman experiencing five or more stressful events was nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a stillbirth than a woman who had experienced none.”


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Great, so we should have expected a huge increase in stillbirths in spring 2020 when everyone was in a state of complete panick and fear over the pandemic.

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I am not sure how such a causes could be determined.

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We should be careful when we make points to the mRNA fanatics. They will try to discredit us as much as possible. I am concerned that too many people who need to listen won’t. I am not trying to discourage anyone. I do want people to pay attention to safety signals. The problem is that the ones in possession of data make it impossible to make a case.

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I think we should always be careful, but not so much we're preventing ourselves from making important points. This data is definitely strong enough to raise questions. Let them provide alternative explanations if they have them.

BTW, lockdowns and scaremongering are on them as well...

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Indeed. Read Laura Dodsworth's book 'State of Fear' about the UK fear campaign.

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Yes they should have gone up not down!

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Josh, if you look at the table from the US states... it shows that there is a trend towards worse outcomes as time goes on... April is the worst. Considering that women in childbearing age have often only been vaccinated in higher numbers in summer 2021... this makes completey sense and totally matches with the theory that vaccination is responsible for the decline. Here in Germany for example, vaccines were widely available for younger people since May, June or July 2021. And many only took the vaccine because they wanted to make holidays in other countries. Summer holidays start in June or July in Germany. So... many took the vaccine immediately before holidays started.

Since April looks much worse than March for US states, I am wondering how the devlopment will go on. Maybe the other countries which do not show a decline (yet) would show such a decline if we check the number again in some months...

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Yes, agreed!

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In New Zealand women of childbearing age in the main were only vaccinated from September last year so a signal may not be showing up yet.

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Thanks for putting this together. It's crucial information. What a disaster we are living in.

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Could it be certain batches? I read recently that Pfizer was having a hard time maintaining purity and consistency in manufacturing quality. I think it was in some of the released Pfizer documents.

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I think the bad batch hypothesis may be correct but I am skeptical. I believe it is most likely due to confounders. In fact the person/people making that hypothesis have already found that most of the variation in VAERS reports for batches is due to batch size. http://howbadismybatch.info/lotsize.html

There are a bunch of other possible confounders that could easily explain the rest of the variation. Not to mention the fact that the lot data in VAERS is really bad and incomplete.

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Mike Yeadon has pointed out that the 5% batches are indeed causing a the vast majority of severe adverse reactions / deaths.

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Which is precisely what you'd expect in an experiment...

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Those TFR forecasts are horrifying. A TFR of 1.5 implies that a population is reduced by 2/3 over three generations.

We are being treated like cattle. Our governments see their populations decline and their response is to tax us harder, cut benefits, postpone out retirement, and slap DNR orders on us. Oh - and get more cattle from Africa to replace us since they are working us to death.

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The comment section of Cutting Through The Fog should be replaced

Please consider this: https://saidit.net/s/CuttingThroughTheFog/

The platform is pretty basic but it is a safe place IMHO.

I will let you take over as the moderator of this sub

I tried posting this message on CTTF but I got this: "Your comment is awaiting moderation"

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The offer is still open. Please let me know Josh

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Hello Josh,

I've written a post about the drop in German births. I think it could be primarily driven by a dramatic fall in weddings during the first pandemic year:


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Hi thanks. I saw your tweet about it and started reading. It looked interesting and filled in some info I was not aware of. I didn't finish reading it as I'm on vacation right now. I will respond when I finish reading it and what send it to Christof and let you know what he thinks. Cheers.

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The same happened in Sweden, with a drop of almost 20% in 2020-2021, as compared to 2019.

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The DIED SUDDENLY filmmakers are Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer - Not Stew Peters. Errors in interpretation of data are very common, especially when artists are involved in characterizing data. Hate-badging the video as "garbage" will not elevate your status as fair and balanced.

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Hah. Someone has seen the movie "The Producers" I suspect. Who could forget that song in the movie :)

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Bingo! Steve, you should be sure to see this pre-print from a couple of weeks ago by Prof. Kuhbandner on excess mortality and stillbirth increase in Germany: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362777743_Excess_mortality_in_Germany_2020-2022

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