Well done, Josh! It is an honor that Senator Johnson cited your work in his letter.

Keep fighting! (and researching).

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This is AWESOME!! Great job. Underground media is winning!

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CDC - Centers for Disease Continuation

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I like mine a little better. CDC - Continually Deceiving the Citizenry

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Certain Death Coming

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CDC = Corrupt Disinformation Center

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The day that Walensky and her ilk actually respond to these types of letters is the day that folks start getting fired or going to jail. Spoiler Alert: Never. Going. To. Happen. (Which is exactly what you said!) However, it is thrilling to see the facts poke their heads up, just a little bit. I am not surprised that it was your research that was cited. You guys with substacks are doing yeoman work! Congrats, Josh!

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This is why Sen Johnson has to be re-elected. If Republicans are majority, they can make people like Walensky respond. If Johnson loses, then Big Pharma wins.

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you're welcome :)

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Awesome my man! If the CDC needs to be brought up to speed on VAERS, I know a cool dashboard that could help them! https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/alberto.benavidez/viz/WelcomeTheEaglesVAERSDashboard/ByLotLookup

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Great to see your work make an impact! nice job

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This...this here makes so much of your effort paid for.


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Great work, and much praise to Senator Johnson as well for pushing that through to CDC.

Every bit helps!

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Well done Josh! Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight ❤️

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👏👏👏 well done photoshoppers! I love the order you put them in too. 😄

Congratulations on your good work being put to good use by senator Johnson. 👍🏽💕

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You have all the right to feel that pride. You make a real difference and this is not the only occasion when it has become visible. Thank you for your work!

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Great work sir. I only just recently discovered your substack via CHD and am hopeful that the ship is slowly turning around.

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Kudos! You deserve that recognition. So thankful for your work.

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