nailed it buddy

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Really? Can you explain? I like your Substack and Matthews. Died Suddenly is everything you, Drs; Long, Cole, Tenpenny, Hoffe, many others have been saying. Nitpicking is not going to help us. That there’s many adverse side effects can be questioned. That there is a depopulation agenda can’t be questioned; the reset, shutting down of all energy, picking a war with Russia while supporting one of the most evil regimes is not wise. Killing western business in favour of China.

Did not learn anything from Josh!

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It's not nitpicking. They know full well they misrepresented the DMED data as we know it. They didn't perform the analysis correctly, and there *was* a glitch in the database. But there was also very likely manipulation of the prior data, and by telling the false shock story, that's kept an investigation from taking place to find out what happened.

This appears on face to be like the Weekly World News: mix the true and absurd stuff so that it all gets clumped together for rejection by most people. Not helpful.

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What about those who are misrepresenting, avoiding and/or eliding over the data/evidence on the "pandemic" (there wasn't one- there was mass murder) itself? Why do they get a pass?

This has enormous consequences.

This includes some of the more notable "covid sceptics."

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They are getting a pass due to the acceptance of false data!

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What false data are you referencing? Be specific.

The data on the fraud that is the "pandemic" is irrefutable. Have you even looked into this?

Tell me your thoughts on the 900,000+ coded "Covid deaths" in the US. How many of these have you examined?

Tell me your thoughts on hospital capacity in the US throughout 2020? Give me your data on this- a few examples will do.

Tell me your thoughts on the 6 week "pandemic" period in March/April 2020 and tell me if you believe that there was a "pandemic" based on the data. Put forth your evidence.

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What data am I referencing?

The data that I spent several hundred hours examining while I was being buried in what appears to be an organized and sometimes vicious way.


"The data on the fraud that is the "pandemic" is irrefutable. Have you even looked into this?"

I have 20,000 notes on all things pandemic. I suspect I've spent more time than just about anyone on Earth looking at, preparing, and organizing data.

Put forth my evidence? Okay, I have a few hundred thousand words and part of a best selling book on the topic. You can start here:


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FWIW I think there is a definite chance that you are correct and that there never was a pandemic.

However I disagree that the data is irrefutable. While it is certainly true that the pandemic was greatly exaggerated, there is almost no irrefutable data on anything in this whole mess and I do not believe one can say for certain that there was no pandemic at all. The one exception to the lack of irrefutable data is those few countries that have correctly recorded and made available the vaccination status of all deaths. All other datasets are confounded in half a dozen different ways.

However there is still strong evidence of criminality - but it doesn't lie in the data, but rather in its absence. The real evidence of criminality is that data has been deliberately not collected, or withheld from the public - data which could easily (and in some cases, has already) be collected, and for which the only reason not to collect/publish is to avoid the conseuqences.

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“Put forth your evidence” indeed.

Why is it they’re not doing this, I wonder? Hmmm…

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You just dodged the questions Matthew.

Rather disingenuous.

You still haven't answered the question as to whether you think there was a pandemic in 2020. I'm pretty sure at this point you will not.

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I wonder if Matthew is questioning if was lab leak or natural. ha I wrote up a little paper about how it was impossible to discuss the data cuz there hasn't been data available to the public that allowed definitive conclusions. Then I reason that this fact alone is all you need to know. No follow up data. No tests, No autopsies . Proof positive this is something other than it pretends PCR tests determining cases.? People taken into hospital, isolated. mistreated and died. That was the early flood of death from covid. I don't believer anything the hospital reported. We know the situation. I'm not to sure Matthew does.

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One name: Denis Rancourt

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The state and other powerful institutions/corporations have a wonderful assortment of "narrative control" tactics they employ to delegitimize accurate information which reflects badly upon them. It's possible that the Stew Peters treatment of this material was intentional, rather than "accidentally idiotic" Wasn't this a tactic (have public figures/documentaries/online accounts AGREE with someone who is making a legitimate critique and then say something bat-shit crazy) explicitly described in the "Five Eyes" papers leaked by Wikileaks and written up in the Guardian by Glenn Greenwald some years ago?

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We know there probably are operatives around tasked with masquerading as true critics, whose real intent is to muddy the waters and discredit the oppposition to the "agenda", the only question is who is such an operative and who is not. Stew Peters may be one, or he may just be stupid or a fanatic, or he may simply be in search of sensationalism to promote his media product. His past experience as a bounty hunter would help him functioning as an operative, but it's not proof, so who knows.

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Christophe, You right. All we can do is be thankful for any good fruit bearing work done by anybody. Some of us will turncoat. Few of us have resisted unto blood, yet. This whole thing not that complicated. Plenty clear cut whistleblower type info. Enough damage in the incomplete data to stop the shots.

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Plenty of sensationalism on both sides these days. We are being so played. Both sides against the middle. Many able high functioning psychopaths have been planning this for awhile. We are deep into it.

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Yes. Everybody needs special training from specialists on how to identify psyops, operatives, the sort of tricks used, etc. And learning about all that is hard work few will bother with anyway.

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sure. However, there were massive increases in pulmonary embolisms and myocarditis. I am a health insurance actuary and I looked at the data last year. And it was unambiguous. (I looked at the Medicare Advantage population's claims data in 2021). I saw increases for some of the most commonly cited diagnoses in the range of 4 to 7 standard deviations. (All the data is from my carrier and is proprietary, so I can't share. I did the analysis to confirm for myself).

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Please share the data as an anonymous whistleblower (use a VPN and a one-use email or whatever method you prefer). I live abroad so if you like write to f.nazar at gmail. I could connect you with Robert Kennedy or Mercola to share your data.

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I just don't think additional data will make a difference. Suppose I do share the data, nobody outside of my company could review the data so it will not be believed. However, it is quite easy to analyze the Medicare and Social Security data for excess deaths. The data sources are public and all you need to do is look at Medicare and Social Security growth rates for the past 5 to 10 years and look at the steep drop off starting in 2021. The difference between the projected growth rate and the actual growth rate is due to all cause excess mortality in the 65+ population (Medicare). I will update that data in January for 2021 and 2022 when the December 2022 data comes out. I can send you a copy.

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Are you saying massive increases in embolism and myocarditis from the covid before the vax? I get there was lung involvement t but not all this blood clotting and nerve damage. and infertility and miscarriages. I'd have to see data to believe what you saying. The death and disability mostly come out from vax yet is still blamed on virus.

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The shot hacks your cells to produce viral spike protein non-stop until death.. The haccine is a virus, but worse than COVID: it includes instructions to deactivate your immune system (HIV genetic sequence) and increase cancer (cancer genetic sequence patented by Moderna): adverse events are not side effects but intended primary effects.



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From the shot, not from the virus.

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Keep track of data, write your own Substack, help gather for all.

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These sad, pathetic people are in denial because they are petrified that what we see happening out there is actually true... and they don't want to admit how low their common sense and reasoning truly is. It's a no-win with these people.

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The "pathetic" people deserve our empathy - that is what us doctors have to keep doing for everyone, no matter what. Try and extend yourself a bit and even with a drop of empathy, you can explain things to them in ways that will eventually get some of them to understand. Never give up hope in humanity.

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I agree. Even though the documentary could have been much better, no amount of facts will ever convince an idiot. And the normies are the idiots.

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Every fact that goes into someone's brain has an effect, and even the brainwashed can be reversed. Stay patient with humankind and don't give up.

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I think it best to keep an open mind and stay scientific about everything. I did learn several things from reading this article from Josh, who clearly put in a lot of time to lay out his thinking. You may not agree with everything but please keep your ears open to all truths.

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First I have to say that Peters/Ardis bit about the snake venom a few months back was absurd. Secondly this movie was indeed sensationalist and fast and loose with various facts.

There's a lot of misinformation out there as well as plenty of narrative reinforcement from the "Covid sceptic movement."

Having said that can you define the "acceptable discussions" of the "Covid truth movement." Many who are in the forefront of the "Covid sceptic" movement perpetuate the biggest lie of all- that there ever was a pandemic- and I believe that includes you as well Jessica. The evidence is crystal clear and voluminous that there never was a pandemic of any sort anywhere in the world in 2020.

Why is it that those that perpetuate this biggest lie of all aren't called on perpetuating this fabrication? Why is it that they avoid even having this discussion and examining the evidence on this?

"Covid-19" has never been about an epidemiological emergency it is about the collapse of the financial system.

“Covid19” is designed for:

1) Redistribution of wealth aka THEFT (from the poor and middle class to the insanely rich; 2) Fear-induced digital enslavement- The Great Reset/4th IR; 3) Pharma making trillions in profit and introduction of mRNA gravy train; 4) Constant bailouts for the financial sector; 5) Entrenchment of the Bio-Security State.

Rather than focus on the manufactured "pandemic" best to focus on the provable crimes such as but not limited to:

1) Largest transfer of wealth to investor class in history- theft of tax dollars;

2) Slaughter of elderly in care homes through forced improper medical protocols;

3) Mass murder for money in the hopsitals through the forced use of "Covid" protocols such as remdesivir, ventilators, midazolam and other toxic drugs;

4) Destruction of millions of businesses through illegal policies;

5) Fraudulent trials and marketing of experimental medical product;

6) Reckless endangerment of the public through forced inoculations;

7) Media manipulation of public using illegal fear tactics to induce compliance;

8) Purposeful abuse of children through various lockdown policies, masks, trauma, etc;

"Covid19", the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives.

There is no pandemic, there never was.

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Can I add one point?

9) Clues on treating Covid that were "missed" but picked up by anyone who can read research papers. See this paper from 2016 by Müller et al.;

"D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate + glycine Impairs Coronavirus Replication" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312115736_D_L-lysine_acetylsalicylate_glycine_Impairs_Coronavirus_Replication

Contrast that with this paper in 2022;

"D,L-Lysine-Acetylsalicylate + Glycine (LASAG) Reduces SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Shows an Additive Effect with Remdesivir"


Public health authorities and physicians in Sweden were from the get go recommending Paracetamol/Tylenol instead of Aspirin, let alone D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate.

My mum, in her mid-70 with many co-morbidities, did just fine with D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate, and we both caught Covid in March 2020. I sent the paper by Müller et al. (2016) with an explanation of how well it worked to the public health authority in Sweden. However, until this day, they are still recommending Paracetamol/Tylenol and Covid-19 vaccination as first in line treatment.

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Stop the cure, push the poison

Physical activity

Since decades ago, it’s settled science that regular exercise has a protective effect against severe respiratory infections by strengthening the cardiovascular and immune systems, while reducing excess inflammatory response.

Cities became giant feed-lots to cull the human cattle. By pushing lockdowns and masks, authorities knew they’d increase comorbidities (obesity, type 2 diabetes), while reducing exercise, which resulted in higher infection rates (11%), hospitalization (36%), severe COVID (44%) and COVID deaths (43%), with an average 53 years of age, in a 2 million meta-study.1

Stop the cure: ibuprofen

Like diet (vitamins, oligo-elements), sunlight, night darkness2, sleep, exercise (preferably intensive for glutathione, or N-acetylcysteine3), aspirin, vapor and dozens of free treatments, ibuprofen could have help to solve the system saturation problem.

They had to block it no matter what: they wouldn't be able to stop over-the counter omni-present ibuprofen like they did with HCQ and IVM, which require prescription.

From the beginning, it was clear that ibuprofen and NSAIDs showed better outcomes. 4

Push the poison: paracetamol

From scratch, it was clear that paracetamol was worsening COVID. 1

25 Jun 2021 Paracetamol / acetaminophen (Tylenol) increased COVID-19 thrombosis, leading to death. 2

The Italian ministry of health recommended it for COVID: it has contributed to the severity of the early pandemic in northern Italy.

March 2020, globalist French Health Minister tweeted that taking anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen and cortisone could be an aggravating factor for COVID-19 infection, while studies showed the opposite!

18 Mar 2020, WHO EMA, UK NHS, Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) Irish HPRA: “there is currently no evidence to support an aggravation of COVID-19 infection with ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs… does not advise to discontinue ongoing treatments with this medicine but, if treatment is initiated, prioritizes the use of paracetamol to treat symptoms of the infection.” 3 : paracetamol turned out to aggravate the disease!

More here: http://bit.ly/research2000

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Are we talking about economics or a disease entity? Kaufman and Cowan say there is no such thing as a virus, yet I'd wager the majority of the feedback suppliers use the word "virus" as if it really exists. I did not see the tete a tete between Cowan/Kaufman and Judy Mikovits. How did that discussion turn out? Frankly, I think the author of this article is guilty of many transgressions himself. As in unsubstantiated assumptions, hunches, and overall purportednesses. If there is no virus, then why is Peter McCullough losing his editorships and is about to lose his license to practice? Right now, in the shadows, Dr Jim Fetzer is fighting the exact same battles as did Alex Jones. Government cannot afford acknowledging that Fetzer is 100% correct in his incessant search for the truth behind Sandy Hook. Were they to buckle due to being tagged with hugely negative epithets, the whole nation would erupt and suddenly there would be town square lynchings, well deserved lynchings I might add. The Covid phantasy is the rooted ugliness that acts as the nucleus of the myriad of things happening to the entire world, that is, totalitarianism as sequelae to a lot of political and cultural/societal derivatives meant to be agents of distraction.

Overall, the article is filled with sour grapes and would-be blatant and judgmental obfuscations. Just another game of jumping on Stew Peters and attracting flies in the form of pathetic agreement with the author's premises.

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Sour grapes was at the tip of my tongue. No more needs saying.

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I guess if I had made a documentary that flopped the accusation might stick. But since I didn't it really just shows you don't know what the phrase 'sour grapes' means.

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But the problem is that unlike Stew Peters, you did not make any documentary. If I do not understand what sour grapes means, I am in the same boat as Moe Hailstone. I think I like that company. On your part, I believe you need to reassess your definition of what a flop amounts to.

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Well said.

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Brilliant, once again.

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So much thought, many fine distinctions someone had to make. Hat's off to Josh!

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Well there definitely was a pandemic of medical malpractice by denying effective early treatments such as IVM and HCQ and by administering the deathly Remdesivir. All the excess deaths that were attributed to covid were due to the above.

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Hell Yeah !!!!!!!!

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This event would certainly not have qualified as a pandemic before 2020, but can you deny that there was a different virus circulating, causing all manner of unusual responses?

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First off there is no evidence that there was a novel pathogen causing unusual responses.

Secondly, even if there was a "novel pathogen", it had absoltuely zero impact on anyone so that point is irrelevant.

If it weren't for the manufactured perception through mass media manipulation AND the administrative diktats with the ensuing the deadly hospital protocols we would not be having this discussion.

In the US were it not for those deadly protocols and the murder of the elderly through various procedural mechanisms (not viral) there would have in fact been a negative all-cause excess mortality in the US for Spring 2020- and likely beyond.

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So nobody in the entire world caught anything that could have been "covid"?

Nobody got ill and died of some novel disease outside of a hospital?

Nobody suffered ailments that could possibly have been caused by a novel disease?

I agree that the media always lies, the governments lied, the health services and hospitals lied and the experts lied as usual, but something was doing the rounds.

Maybe a different flu, but with some incredibly weird attributes.

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A) So nobody in the entire world caught anything that could have been "covid"?

Correct. "Covid" is a fiction- a complete invention of the Pharma/Biosecurity/Financial system.

B) Nobody got ill and died of some novel disease outside of a hospital?

You will need to define "novel" disease. There are "new types" of disease every season based on altering environmental conditions. High tech production is one example of how air particulates have changed and that impacts the upper respiratory system quite a bit. Another change in the overall conditions is the amount of electromagnetic and radioactive exposure everryone is exposed to over the past decade. These create different toxic exposures for the biological systems.

Atypical pneumonia is a catch-all phrase that has been used for years to "define" certain types of new upper respiratory problems for but one example.

But again there is no evidence of anyone dying outside of the hospital from some "novel virus."

If you go back and examine the "symptoms" of Covid they could mean almost anything at any given time they are so poorly defined. If you have spoken at length with doctors who claim that "they presnt differently", I have done this on multiple occasions, their diagnosis of how that was different is either vague or breaks down once contextualized.

C) Nobody suffered ailments that could possibly have been caused by a novel disease?

Bit of a repeat. "Long covid" for example is pure fiction- an invention (cooked up in May of 2020) of the PR apparatus.

In the US alone there are 4 billion Pharma prescriptions per year. Keep that in mind. Add to that the number of toxic injections people pump into their bodies each year. Add to that...

There is no novel disease. It's mass poisoning that is happening causing all sorts of biological breakdowns.

D) I agree that the media always lies, the governments lied, the health services and hospitals lied and the experts lied as usual, but something was doing the rounds.

This is cognitive dissonance. You admit they lie all the time about everything, which is correct, but somehow believe them on this at the same time? Makes no sense.

E) Maybe a different flu, but with some incredibly weird attributes.

Look at N Italy data from over the past 15 years and how they relabelled interstitial pneumonia in 2020 for starters.

Read this piece- particularly the Coda:


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No cognitive dissonance on this callsign.

I do not believe the media on anything at all.

Nor the government, experts or health professionals, without trying to dismantle their viewpoint.

That said, I fully believe that there was a novel disease circulating.

(One with a high infection rate, but a low fatality rate for anyone without comorbidities.

The year to year death numbers show little overall differences until the jab rollout. )

This was not because I was told to, I am particularly resistant to "being told to", but because of a few strange illnesses that I and others had in late 2019, through 2020.

It made more sense when they identified "covid" as a vascular illness and not a respiratory one.

As to the flu, it is well documented that a virus can dominate the airwaves at the expense of others, hence the disappearing, reappearing flu.

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Truth ++

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"COVID was created for the shot", not "The shot was created for COVID". When we can see this, everything else makes sense. Let those who have ears hear, and let those who speak keep on speaking.

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^^^ 100% What the Rose lady said

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Here's a few things that piss me off here. First let me say that I have looked at over 900,000 coded "Covid" deaths- U07.1. You would be hard pressed to clearly point towards one single death in that batch that was caused by a viral event. It's all fraud.

I am also involved with a large group of people that had family members killed by Covid protocols. These individuals have the lengthy and detailed hospital records of what happened in these hospitals as well as their eyewitness testimony. Many of them are involved in litigation currently.

I could go on and on all day on the evidence that is irrefutable and legally admissible. Put simply again- there was no pandemic.

Many of the "luminaries" in the "truth movement" parrot this insidious lie that there was a pandemic and then do acrobatics to explain it if they try to explain it at all.

The HUGE problem with this, far more a problem than the Stew Peter's fluff piece, is that it covers up, it serves as a smokescreen, for what ACTUALLY happened. This is not only problematic but I find it disgusting and dishonorable. It is a direct affront to the hundreds of thousands who were killed by administrative diktats, not by a viral pathogen, including those elderly who were then used in March/April 2020 to create the fiction that there was some deadly pandemic.

Another aspect to consider is that these murders were almost exclusively done to the poor and disabled and here we have so-called "luminaries" (many who have a certain degree of wealth themselves) trying to define what is "the allowed discussion" while hardly if at all discussing what is the most pressing and prosecutable of these crimes.

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Well, Pfizer in particular managed to create a fake pandemic to sell their toxic shots that have ruined the immune system in the millions of people blind enough to get injected.

Reminds me of the virus sham Pfizer pulled on horse owners decades earlier, which forced people to vaccinate their horses, created lockdowns and ostracization on horse owners who refused to vaccinate their animals (sound familiar?). These horses began to die, have stillbirths, get riddled with all sorts of disease. 20 years forward there was no special 'horse virus' like Pfizer had claimed. They made their millions, got sued, and only paid a small portion of their profits in compensation for all the deaths and losses they caused. And they're now pulling the same stunt on people.

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Do you have a link to that story? I hadn't heard about that.

The business model of killing things for profit. Until executives go to jail for these things they are happy to pay the fines. Pfizer has been convicted of over 70 felony offenses and they don't blink cause they know they're still making money.

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Zoetis who manufactured and marketed the Hendra Equivac HeV vaccine since 2012 for horses under a fake pandemic announcement, was actually Pfizer. Bourla held multiple executive roles at Zoetis (then known as Animal Health) and other divisions of Pfizer. Bourla became the Pfizer CEO in 2019, one year after the class action lawsuits against Zoetis.

I think this is what they've done with the birdflu, madcow disease and others - targeting voiceless animals. They are infecting the animals to sell their drugs. And now they pharma cartel is doing the exact same to humans...

There are articles as well out there about the financial success from these scams although the actual scam part is ignored "How Pfizer And Zoetis Launched One Of The Most Successful Spinoffs — Ever".


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“Horse owners were told that it was such a deadly virus (supposed to come from a bat) that just being near a horse could cause you to contract the virus and die. Coincidently, people were threatened, coerced and bribed to inject the poison into their animals. Two shots, six weeks apart and then a booster every six months. Vets refused to treat sick horses unless proof of vaccination was provided. Horses weren't even allowed to attend shows unless they'd been given a dose. The 'medicine' was an experimental injection that has only received full approval in the last few years. Once injected with this poison horses died, became lame, had seizures and became mentally unstable. Funnily enough, none of this was listed as a side effect of the jab. As more boosters were given, previously healthy horses became sick. Eventually, owners started to wake up and realise they were doing more harm than good. It also came to light that unless your horse was 100% healthy, it should not be given the jab because it targeted the weak spots in the immune system and made the animals worse. There is now a massive class action against the manufacture of the jab, Zoetis, who was a subsidiary of the one and only... Pfizer.” 1The virus “triggered a vasculitis in horses. Strongly suggests an autoimmune response and so injectable vaccines may also trigger a similar response. In diseases where the virus enters through the airway and causes this type of immune response, only mucosal immunity can prevent disease. Appropriate vaccine for this disease is nasal/oral.” 2

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This helpful, thanks.

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Thanks Ray.

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Not a scientist, nor a medical professional, just a skeptical sob.

Just my own thoughts.

There was never a pandemic.

Influenza rebranded with the assistance of a dodgy (by design) PCR test. Every media outlet deliberately and relentlessly pushing fear 24/7 on a mostly gullible public. Cortisol levels sky rocketing, through the fear, making people ill. Fire up the hospital protocols, and now you have deaths. Fake ICU's filled with Crisis Actors on Ventilators filmed to further the fear. I mean, really, who actually allows a film crew into an ICU, c'mon. (It was hard enough for individual family members to visit my mother post surgery in ICU, one at a time prior to the "pandemic" let alone during it, complete BS).

I have to agree. It was/is about wealth transfer, for a number of reasons.

In 2010, €18 billion of the ROI pension fund was used as part payment of an €82billion bank bailout, due to the financial crash of '08. So basically, there is NO money in the state pension fund.

What was the average age of Covid deaths in the early stages? (Hospital Protocols) Do you get the drift?

Lockdowns further decimating small family owned businesses, pushing people to the larger outlets and online shopping. Don't use cash (as the "virus" lives on it, sad) use credit/debit cards, so we can track your transactions and build a picture of what you spend, and what you buy. Very convenient when Carbon Credits and CBDC's are being doled out.

There was no virus.

Although, I suspect there might be now, as the majority of the people I know who have taken multiple doses of the medication, are regularly ill.

The SPN lost much credibility with the Brian Ardis snake venom bullshit, Died Suddenly doesn't help much either.

Just my tuppence halfpenny.

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You hit the nail on the head.

"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.

"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.

"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as the new medical “miracle cure” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccines" to be Pharma's new cash cow and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized "disease management."

It's worth noting that in the USA, disease management pumps almost $6 trillion/yr into the economy. Disease has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going.

And here we are though this dates back to the early 1990's and Fauci's first crimes, the AIDS/HIV scandal.

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Any proof tracking devices or destroying the ability to believe in God are incorporated into these vaccines?

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"I could go on and on all day on the evidence that is irrefutable and legally admissible. Put simply again- there was no pandemic...."

I get where you are coming from, but the actions done by the pandemic pushers may actually be 100% legal (in the US anyways). How so? Copied from another answer:

"...If a product is the subject of an authorization under this section, the use of such product within the scope of the authorization SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO CONSTITUTE A CLINICAL INVESTIGATION for purposes of section 355(i), 360b(j), or 360j(g) of this title or any other provision of this chapter or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262]." [21 USC 360bbb-3(k), emphasis mine]

So this means that along with the EUA authorizations, everything (e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g) presented to us about said products are not even required to be accurate. The SecHHS just have to be hopeful that the product in question MIGHT work as whatever it is stated to do. Covid tests, mock or even "real" trials, efficacy measurements, et al is just 100% theatrics. But the [continued] declaration of the "pandemic" emergency is what gave them the leeway carte blanche to implement all kinds of countermeasures without any legal backlash whatsoever.

https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exposing-trickery (stopping conditions remastered)

edit: some other quotes from the excellent summary:

"2. There are NO government or private contracts for purchase of experimental products; there are only contracts for ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstrations [prototypes]"

"8-9...Human beings receiving EUA products have NO informed consent rights to receive information about ingredients, risks, benefits, alternatives, or the option to accept or refuse the products...."

"19...Manufacturers, as contractors, are considered HHS employees for purposes of legal immunity under Federal Tort Claims Act."

"20...The Department of Defense is authorized to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to conduct ‘prototype’ experiments [demonstrations?] on the general public, and under such contracts, is exempt from legal obligation to comply with Good Clinical Practices or other FDA regulations."

"25. There cannot be clinical trial fraud, because there are NO clinical investigations, NO investigational drugs, NO investigators and NO human subjects."

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More fine points! Thank you!

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There was no pandamic, agreed, but there was a new flu virus that we did not have much immunity for, or do you also detest that?

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"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.

"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.

"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as the new medical “miracle cure” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccines" to be Pharma's new cash cow and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized "disease management."

It's worth noting that in the USA, disease management pumps almost $6 trillion/yr into the economy. Disease has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going.

And here we are though this dates back to the early 1990's and Fauci's first crimes, the AIDS/HIV scandal.

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I'm not sure what you mean by asking if I "detest" that? Maybe that was a typo?

There was no new flu virus. There was no novel pathogenic illness.

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There's no virus at all, flu or other. Virology is an elaborate fraud. If you want to go for a shortcut then look into the works of Drs Stefan Lanka, Sam & Mark Bailey. Read Mark's paper 'A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY'. If you don't want the shortcut, you will have to read all the virology papers back to 1953, especially the Methods sections. The book Virus Mania has good references. Enjoy the journey.

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There is a substack article that suggests the no virus exists movement is a psy-op.

I know Sam & Mark Bailey. I followed them for a while.

I have never found a good explanation for contagion that is explained by virus theory.

In her talks I find that very often, she jumps to conclusions and just seems to skip over logical counter arguments.

I am open to the possibility that virusses do not exist but then we need a new concept for contagious disease.

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Can you provide a specific example where she skipped over logical counter-argument? I believe the main argument she and others calling out virology is that there is no falsifiable hypothesis for how specific viruses are isolated (and following other aspects of a reproducable scientific method....like having placebos. OR recorded microscopic evidence that a specific virus is the primary/sole cause of a specific disease.

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Agreed.......you only have to look at the poorest nations on earth to see there was no pandemic. Anyone who refutes this, can be manipulated to believe anything.

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The poorest nations usually do not have good registration in the healthcare system, let alone pcr test capacity. Or treatments that kill and usually have tons of ivermectin and hcq that is regularily used.

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Uttar Pradesh got rid of covid by telling the WHO to piss off and handing out Ivermectin.

Their infection and death rates fell off a cliff.

Poor countries appear to have better brains than many of their Western counterparts.

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However, even the doctor that the BBC brought in to debunk the movie fails miserably in terms of a plausible explanation for the stringy, elastic calamari-looking tissue growths that are sometimes intertwined with clots but not always. These structures do not suddenly belong in normal human arteries and veins.

Instead, the Dr (Dr Han) says they're "clots"; https://www.bbc.com/news/health-63719246

Anyone who saw the "Died Suddenly" documentary and has functioning eyes can see it is not just clotted blood that embalmers have started pulling out of people since the start of the vaccination campaign.

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Exactly Right.

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Do you think there was a pandemic in 2020?

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Define pandemic as you mean it here.

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I'm happy to use virtually any defintion you prefer. We can even use the post-2009 WHO watered down version of "pandemic" and I can disprove that there was a pandemic of any sort anywhere in the world in 2020.

Working defintion: "mass death event caused by a highly transmissible virus." If that doesn't work for you I will use your edited version.

Having said this how about we isolate on the 6 week time period of March/April 2020 (the "first wave") when we were at the "height of the pandemic" as told by the official narrative. If you want to focus even more tightly on a certain area where the pandemic was "raging" we could focus on NYC.

Now I want to be clear- I'm not speaking at all to the debate about viruses- I am speaking exclusively to the human/administrative actions and the abundant evidence which illustrates without a doubt that there was no viral emergency whatsoever.

I'm loathe to say this part as it is on its face value the logical fallacy of 'appeal to expertise.' I do this research for a living for two separate groups in the US. These are groups that use various records and evidence for extensive legal action on these matters.

The relevance of this is that once we are in a discussion that there was "no pandemic" we are in a totally different discussion. All other facets of what actually happened in 2020 (preceding and ensuing as well) follow from this.

All the best Josh.

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There was a pandemic of withholding basic treatments from people with pneumonia

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Some MDs are stating that "it was a pandemic of non-treatment". I don't agree entirely. The excess mortality was caused by aggressive government and administrative actions that stressed and isolated fragile groups (In Spain for but one example they literally let the elderly die isolated and abandoned), not by denying treatment of infection by a particular pathogen.

Infection takes hold because the vulnerable individual is further weakened by added pharmaceutical toxins and psychological attack. These vulnerable individuals were terrorized, poisoned further and neglected. Many others were placed into the same social conditions increasing the pool of vulnerable individuals.

Any infection will do. There are always pathogens.

Having said that you are correct in that "non-treatment" took many forms: data on antibiotic use (US) indicate that prescriptions were down by around 50% during this time.

"Covid" protocols kicked in as you know Remdesivir, Vents, hospital closures etc.

This 2nd point amplified the first. Objective: to maximise death. None of this is contingent on there being a particular pathogen. Didn't have to be.

Outright fear, psychological stress, pre-existing health conditions (mutually reinforcing in the cohort with these) and health system closure/denial of treatment for a "range" of infections/conditions.

Though one can argue many factors, the most significant is increasing the pool of vulnerable people. There are always persons of seemingly stable health who just need to be nudged into poor health, and this opens them up to acute challenges to their survival.

When has it ever been a thing that people had to have IVM, HCQ, or a bunch of supplements on board every time a virus came around to prevent death?

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Doc, this means you are disagreeing with Josh's 4th point - that there was mass murder involved.

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Eli, I never said that. I've revised my post to try to make my that and some other things clearer. Feel free to re-read that section to see if it clicks.

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Hi Josh,

I reread the revised section and I understand the position you are taking.

Nonetheless you still state: "The point is this: there is another way to understand what Bill Gates said in his Ted Talk and another way to understand the goals and means of those who talk about the need to reduce the world’s population — one that does not include mass murder and forced sterilization".

Dr. Syed stated that there was a denial of medical treatment, and in my understanding (and what I mentioned in my original comment) this is unequivocal evidence of mass murder. Denying sick people medical treatment so that they die is mass murder.

Obviously you are right that an interpretation of Gates statements can be found but it is a very stretched interpretation, and the experts, including Dr. Syed point to substantial evidence to a coordinated international effort to murder massive numbers of people.

In short - that last point of yours appears to be grasping at straws.

Of course, debating is what our side is all about.



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I think what you misunderstand is that you seem to think I am agreeing with that interpretation or supporting it in some way. My point was about how the issue was approached in the movie and the way it was used to frame the entire thing, both of which detract from the evidence presented.

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I believe that Josh and I both think that mass murder was involved. Whether this is a "depopulation agenda" is the bone of contention perhaps. My own view is that there was callous disregard of the number of deaths that would be caused by the narrative, which came eventually from people who desire a global depopulation. Did they have a grand plan to reduce the world population by their desired 93% by releasing a virus? Unlikely. Did they care whether their plan to release a virus then force vaccine mandates on the world killed a few people? Highly likely. So what would your word for that be?

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The virus wasn't the plan, the deaths were used to cause panic to allow Pharma to rush the vaccines and bypass safety standards.

Just step one of the plan.

As Dr. Malone points out in his article (mRNA Vaccines: The CIA and National Defense) sorry can't give you the link because substack causing a problem at the moment - this has now allowed Pharma to declare the mRNA platform safe and there are 200 mRNA vaccines now in the works.

Both you and Josh both know what these mRNA vaccines are doing to people - safety now a given, hundreds of mRNA vaccines and drugs on the way.

Where do you think this takes us if not depopulation?

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Another devil's avocado!

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Join GUACAMOLE, the Global Union of Activists and Campaigners Against More Or Less Everything.

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Sorry, but I'm already an member of Abbreviated Ciphered Replacement of Organisation Name Yields Meaning which consumes most of my free time these days.

I apologise to the forum for this off topic banter.

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Excellent. I love it when someone I trust offers balanced, dare-I-say, scientific feedback on such things as "Died Suddenly." I had purposely not watched it. Maybe my subconscious was warning me!

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Why won't you watch it? You will hear real embalmers talking about their observations. None of them are saying it's absolutely the jab, they are saying that these "things" they are finding inside veins and arteries need to be explored as to what they are and why are they forming. The premise of this article is exactly what is wrong with the anti-Trump voters in this country: they hate or disparage the messenger so much, they refuse to acknowledge any good policies that have come from the person. (I'm not saying this as a pro-Trump statement, it's merely an analogy.)

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Sure. I think it is *possible* for the movie to make some good points. Josh acknowledged that. The problem I am running into, and the problem that is systemic in our "movement," is the mixing of bullshit with caviar. Sure, caviar is nice, but mix in bullshit and well...not quite the delicacy we wanted! In the case of Trump, I think the problem is personified. A moron who has a good idea once in a while is not a leader to be idolized or promoted. Similarly, a movie that hides great information amid laughable statements hurts more than it helps. As a general way to promote the movement, that is a losing strategy. At least, that is my current view.

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I still disagree - the caviar and shit analogy is like piss in a swimming pool - one cannot separate the piss/shit from the rest of the water/caviar. In this movie, one can listen to the embalmers, decide whether they are credible witnesses and make a decision. I understand that their testimony, because it is contained in this movie, might make some viewers deem them less credible. Personally, I have seen a couple of these embalmers on other interviews, and for a whole host of reasons, I find them very credible. I understand that the casual watcher may not take the time to dig deep into the same stuff. However, I don't think there is any disagreement in any of these comments that the crux of the movie is solid - perhaps the name of the movie is what's causing the cognitive dissonance. I just find it very strange that Josh would write an article so filled with venom. It comes across as hysterical anger, and based on THAT, I find his article not very credible - something just doesn't seem right about it. That being said, I am definitely going to read Matthew Crawford's information on the DMED database!

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Believe the sensationalist way of presenting “died suddenly” was useful. But regarding these ego trippers as leaders would be a ginormous mistake for certain. Messengers however shouldn’t be shot for the message?

Choosing the wrong leaders had something to do with getting us into this mess. The nations who fought against the Nazis, the Communists and all eagerly shepherded Totalitarianism in the front door. Pretty legendary and a leading symptom of psychopathology, not to mention sociopathy.

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What about some of the people at the top of the "movement" who time and gain repeat the false narrative that there ever was a pandemic. The evidence is copious and irrefutable on this most important point.

This is the biggest lie of all, from which all others follow, and serves to cover up the numerous crimes that were committed. This is far more destructive and disingenuous than any patchy documentary by S Peters.

Why do these people get a pass?

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This "argument" in March of 2020 was used erroneously by those who posited the virus was being used for control and not health. It was an unfortunate argument. Unfortunately there are those that still do argue this. Accurate information is the key.

Yes, the place to watch legally and otherwise must search for motivation. Those who participated and the motivations may not be as transparent as FTX and culprits. Going to be a long hard journey to uncover and prove who is responsible and how and why they must be charged.

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The embalmer stuff isn’t new. The premise of this review is that Important and compelling information is getting mixed in with conspiracy theory and inaccurate information—the DMED stuff has been misrepresented for one—and that is a grave disservice to both our service members and to some people who worked very hard to understand DMED and come to appropriate conclusions when possible. For more on the DMED saga, check out Mathew Crawford’s Substack Rounding the Earth.

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No of course it is not new. Clotting and these clots specifically have been known for a long time. But if we tried to encompass the entire comprehensive fact of this top down takeover, all of it particulars and multifarious effects, it would take a very long series and a library of facts. Snowed under.

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I subscribe to Matthew's substack. Can you give me the approximate date of this particular article so I can read/watch it? Thanks!

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He has written many articles on it! Why don't you actually read my article, where I link to one of the many articles Mathew has written about it.

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No need to get testy. I will do so. I usually do that, not sure why I didn't do it when I was reading it the first time. Maybe because I got so distracted by the angry tone in your article. Which is still showing, based on your comment, by the way. You know what's funny? I'm not even that big a fan of Stew Peters - I definitely take his interviews with a huge grain of salt. But your article was SO unhinged (sorry, it's the only word I can think of), it made me wonder what your angle is. I do think (hope) we are all on the same page here, in that something nefarious happened by our government and the world's governments in 2020 and is continuing even now. Not sure why we are arguing.

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Do you think there was a pandemic in 2020?

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Maybe you missed it before so let me ask you again- Do you think there was a pandemic in 2020?

Are you avoiding answering this basic question.

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When the messenger has a record of bringing us total crap it's quite right to hold our noses when he comes again.

Sure, they mix the poison in with the real stuff; that's the point! They discredit the real stuff, by adding utter crap to it, so it stinks. Anyone now searching for weird blood clots is now likely to be shown that video, realize it stinks and so click away and never again listen to talk about weird blood clots.

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Please point to precisely the false statements in the movie, and the source document for your refutation. The author's claim as to an explanation of the military DMED removal of information is not sourced. Perhaps he will post it in the comments.

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"The author's claim as to an explanation of the military DMED removal of information is not sourced."

Yes it is sourced to the analysis by Mathew Crawford who used whistleblower source DMED data... read the linked Rounding the Earth post.

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The DMED data coverup is actually more sinister than stated in the movie. J makes it sound like a nothing burger.

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can you provide the link? I'll read it.

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The link is in my post. Why don't you read my post before commenting on it?

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How about you point precisely to my ass?

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I’m not watching it because I don’t think there is anything new in it that we who have done research don’t already know. And I believe it is sensationalism, Stew Peters & Mike Adams are both fear mongers of the worst order. Things are bad enough with out letting your imagination run wild to the point of insanity. I had to stop listening to Mike Adams to keep my sanity. I want reasonable well thought out explanations, not crazy talk.

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Trust is for children. Adults do their own due diligence.

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Yes…and Adults also provide evidence in their counter arguments.

There seems to be a lot of that missing these days.

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It's worth watching but just be aware of the poison pills.

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You will want to watch it.

There is explosive documentary evidence of the clots and many interviews with people in the business. The fact the media is refusing to speak of this is revealing enough.

The very fact this is happening demands that it be investigated what is causing it.

Mixing in bad and good information is a known disinformation tactic, but there is too much damaging information that cannot be ignored.

It is important to discern the difference between "speculation" and verifiable facts, such as reports of clots with video evidence, photographs of it being extracted. This is the most shocking aspect of the documentary.

The sudden fainting spells and collapses may be treated as "speculation" but it is certainly happening and also needs to be investigated, regardless of what is causing it.

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Tonic-clonic (Grand Mal) Seizures is what they are. SUDEP is when they die from it. What's causing them is a bigger mystery, but I suspect vax related.

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Me too. I wrote off Stew several months ago. It’s entirely possible Stew is sincerely trying to help, but he simply doesn’t understand the need for accuracy in the (private sector) technical world. He and Saul Goodman appear to have much in common… trying to be something they’re not cut out for.

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