Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

The whole "the data in VAERS is useless" is so hilarious since it is THEIR system! If it's useless, why do we have it? What are you doing to improve it? Do you believe we just shouldn't have a reporting system? What a joke.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

I heard once that when Ronald Reagan approved the pharma can't be sued for vaccines deal he included VAERS as a way to monitor pharma. By law, the CDC is supposed to make sure VAERS is accurate. So if the CDC is claiming VAERS isn't accurate then they are admitting they are in violation of the law.

Reagan (or no other POTUS) would have simply given pharma carte blanche without some sort of check. Remember, Reagan was famous for saying "trust but verify".

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Because big pharma was getting sued for injuries.

So the solution?

Take away responsibility.

Yup, that makes sense…

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Because they believed at the time, and many still do, that vaccines are a miracle. Pharma threatened to get out of the business if they couldn't be profitable.

But that legislation obviously removed any incentive to make sure all safety protocols are followed, and as time passed, the VAERs system has obviously been corrupted when only 1 percent of adverse events are reported.

The "check" that was implemented is obviously flawed.

Have you read Turtles All Teh Way Down? Great book if you haven't.

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Never heard of it until I read your comment. Immediately downloaded it and am in the process of gobbling it up. You're right. It's a great book.

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Yes. That is a great book.

Thank you for your informative response

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A new MAJOR piece to the puzzle.


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Everything on Katherine Watts-Substack and Sasha Latypova-Substack

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I heard this from another truth teller.

It’s all 3 Letter agencies and the very same complex behind Kennedy…

That those same 3 letters were originally run by Adolf men….

Yes. It’s horrific.

Thank you

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It was shocking that every time I mentioned VAERS in NY Times articles on the "vaccine" and the pandemic lots of people would pile on saying it was not accurate, and that anyone could post in VAERS! Yet I have heard from frontline doctors how hard it is to upload files! The paid defamers must be a part of the sick plan or a feature of it!

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It's to give perceived safety of vaccines. Go back and read some of the CDC "Vaccine Information Statements" and other safety reviews. The CDC hides behind "causality". They do not recognized temporally associated side effects OR case studies. They only recognize side effects that have an underlying biological mechanism and 'sufficient' studies according to them that they believe the side effect is caused by the vaccine.

Per the CDC: "VISs are based on the ACIP’s recommendations, which occasionally differ from those made by the manufacturer. These differences may involve adverse events. Package inserts generally tend to include all adverse events that were temporally associated with a vaccine during clinical trials, whereas ACIP tends to recognize only those believed to be causally linked to the vaccine."

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They have used it and looked at it, but then they chose not to do anything about it except keep pushing them. - https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-12-16/05-COVID-Su-508.pdf


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And not mentioned is the fact that nobody even needed these non-vaccines because the virus was NOT "deadly."


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Put all the countries together what chart would that make.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

What would such a report look like if information on the mRNA bioweapons were not being suppressed?

What would such a report look like if the reporting system for adverse events was widely known by the public and access to this system was made readily available instead of filled with hurdles?

What would such a report look like if doctors weren't actively gaslighting people, dismissing their claims and turning them away from reporting adverse events?

What would this report look like if ALL adverse events from these mRNA biowepaons were honestly and accurately reported?

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

It would look like a automatic machine gun...not just smoking...but melting from being on fire!

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It would look like deliberate genocide...

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Remember gates vaccines are good for depopulation..

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What would the report look like if people actually knew to report any medical problems they have encountered. I'm from UK and know several people who have a whle range of problems since getting jabbed, from lung clots, heart problem, appendectomy (child), tremor, skin cancers, gastro probs, TIA, onset diabetes, worsening of RA. Not one have reported as they either do not correlate or do not know how to report. Your last point would certainly make it very clear for people, but then if they knew who would roll up their sleeve?

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Exactly my experience. My mother in law had two years of crazy un-diagnosable ailments after and never reported anything. A friend who had a headache lasting days. A friend who was numb on the left side of her face for weeks. No one I know who had issues ever reported it.

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Since my comment, colon cancer, dementia as well.

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It would look like spots on wall by Who Flung Doo

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For me the fact that safety monitoring data needs to be pried loose by court order is a big enough confirmation officials have plenty to hide. We know none in power have clean hands.

No good deeds are concealed and no shortage of evidence exists that delay and denial are classic Washington method to sweep crimes under the rug and move to the next crisis.

For the balance of folks who want rational argument and substantiation with primary source data I thank my lucky stars to have the luxury of knowing where the slam dunk pros hide and stockpiling winning ammo by bookmark. Lucky us it's fantabulous, understandable analysis, you rock! <3

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"For me the fact that safety monitoring data needs to be pried loose by court order is a big enough confirmation officials have plenty to hide."

Says it all right there. This is outright murder.

The list of people that need to be prosecuted is long- public health officials, media parrots, Admins at Unviersities that coerced students and staff, publich health officials at all levels, doctors pushing it, politicians, owners of sports teams, not to mention all at the top of the pyramid of Pharma/Tech/Government corruption like Bourla, Gates, Fauci, Bancel, e.g. and their countless quislings.

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So many criminals, so few honest law enforcement

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Nuremberg like trials are needed

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This is awesome. Nice to know I wasn't the only one finding safety signals in VAERS.

I am writing a substack on this now. The CDC was notified of this by others, but they were gaslit.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Its so odd that the CDC had to be FOIAed in order to get them to release the data they had claimed would be made public. It appears to be intentional to withhold this incriminating data. Now imagine how many countries have similarily withheld such data. Australia, New Zealand, Japan, UK, Canada all seem to have difficulty producing it.

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The Australian PRRs were recently release via FOI. Look for FOI 4032 - 9 documents: https://www.tga.gov.au/foi-disclosure-log

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They don't want to face it.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Cdc has a name. Rochelle Wallensky. How has she gotten away with injuring so many people in broad daylight? Who is protecting her? Perhaps that is the person that should be held to account?

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When you know the name, their in the game.

The game with no name.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

OMG thus is huge!!! Thank you!

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

By the way, the "Responding to Objections" section is excellent! I think it's worthy of its own article on your substack, so other covid vaccine critical readers can easily reference it as a standalone resource. Can call it "Defending VAERS" or "Stopping Misinformation Against VAERS."

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Ok, thanks for that suggestion. It's a good one!

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Huge indeed! I think it's definitely time to setup my Tableau skills and incorporate the PRR formulas so we can see the signals in real time! Moreover the over ~325K VAERS reports of UNKNOWN AGE, but age clearly documented in summary will add that much more visibility! I'm going on Crawford's RTE on this Tuesday, he has invited openvaers.info (Wayne), Jessica and Liz, Steven Rubin. Rubin has declined but happy to answer any questions. Wayne is game but attending might be difficult if it's during his normal work hours. Jess and Liz have an invite, hope they can make it. Haven't seen Liz do public stuff? I think it would be a good idea if you were at the table. You game? We could ask Mathew....

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Yes, I would be happy to join, thanks! Please do ask him. And great working getting the PRR thing up and running on your dashboard!!

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

This is amazing -- thank you!! I've update the post to include a link to this.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Hi Josh- Thanks for including in the post. I would be interested in adding the categories to the dashboard. If you have the mapping of individual codes->categories and are willing to share, please email me at tcoddington@proton.me

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Todd, I did it by seat of the pants method. If you really want to be systematic, you would organize by System Organ Class (SOC), which is part of the MedDRA hierarchy. Medalerts has the full hierarchy you could use to map from PT (that's the lowest level and that is the level reported in the Excel tables) up to SOC (those are the highest level categories you'll see when you land on this page): https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/meddra/

If this doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll send you the excel file where I made my categories.

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Done. I created a hyperlink to the PRR Dashboard:


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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Citizen science at its best. Nice!!!👏👏👏👏💯🎩🎩🎩🙏

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Cool! That's what I'm talking about! I'll do a hyperlink button from my dashboard so people can jump to your dashboard. Good Job Coddington! da Eagle


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Peter McCullough has speculated about military involvement in the decision-making hierarchy re Covid vaccines. My hypothesis is that both CDC and FDA were disempowered at outset of Covid. We see evidence of this in BARDA telling/asking FDA to pull authorization for hydroxychloroquine back in May 2020. We also see that Covid vaccines are classified as “medical countermeasures” for the purposes of compensation.

I would guess that CDC and FDA both muzzled due to as-yet undisclosed “state of biological war” and that US actual decision makers re Covid and vaccines have yet to step forward

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Katherine from Balliwick News Substack hypothesized that exactly and traced the legislation that allowed it, about 2 years ago. Very, very interesting little web and groundwork laid.🤔😉

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If you dig into the history it becomes clear that food and drugs and weapons are all entwined. Poster boy for that was Donald Rumsfeld and aspartame then anthrax.Cipro then H1N1/Tamiflu and let's not forget the bulk of our biotech crops are Monsanto creations along w the rest of the Agent Orange gang heavily backed by Rockefeller/Gates NGO cabals.

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Sasha Latypova has brought evidence that the vaccine companies are under contract with the Department of Defense and they are in charge of the covid vaccine program. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Thank you for extending this to us with an analysis that's comprehensible.

Grateful for you!

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Several comments as a math-stats prof.

1) The PRR signal-detection system is absolute CRAP. Here's why. Imagine a new vaccine causes precisely 1000 times as many adverse events of every single type as all the comparable vaccines. If so, the PRR = 1 for every adverse event, because the proportion of any selected adverse event is unchanged as a fraction of the whole. Thus the signal is not triggered, suggesting everything is fine, even though it is actually 1000 times worse! The calculation should be: PRR = (rate per million doses of specific AE in the new vaccine) / (rate per million doses of same specific AE in old vaccines). The current PRR is designed to HIDE problems, not to expose them.

2) Your results on cancer AEs looked abnormally low. Now I remember why. You need to search on "neoplasm" as well as "cancer".

3) One speaks of lower and upper confidence limits, which bound a confidence interval, not lower and upper confidence intervals.

I will take a look at the data when I have a chance. Meanwhile, two observations. First, in 2021-22, the worst AEs for the COVID injections were about 30 times more common than for all vaccines combined. Second, the V-Safe monitoring system suggests that VAERS is underreported by a factor of about 17.

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Oh, I almost forgot. This excellent paper by a professor at a German medical school was published early 2022 in Frontiers in Public Health that does a safety signal analysis normalized by dose for VAERS and the European system (though he doesn't call it a safety signal analysis): https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2021.756633/full

It completely validates by per dose safety signal analysis and goes a step further by calculating confidence intervals/limits.

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Hi Surak, thanks for your valuable feedback -- good to know there's someone standing over my shoulder checking my work!

1. I agree 100%. The safety signal analysis I did last year was normalized to vaccine dose: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/safety-signals-covid-vaccines-full-transparency-cdc-fda/

I also linked in the post to Matthew Crawford's criticism around that time of the whole PRR/disproportionality analysis, which echoes yours: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/defining-away-vaccine-safety-signals-572 (be sure to read all 3 parts)

2. No, the cancer AEs were not summed by searching the word cancer. I went through all 770 safety signals to categorize them. The reason they are low is that very few cancer-related adverse events achieved safety signal analysis. I suspect this is for two reasons: 1. They don't appear in reports for other vaccines so can't be counted as a safety signal by definition. 2. People are even less likely to link cancer (esp recurrent or worsening) to the jabs, so less likely to report than many other things.

3. OK, fair enough.

I think the underreporting is worse than 17 for most things. From V-safe we only have for a few things, most of which are immunogenicity.

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I remember Mathew Crawford substacking at Rounding The Earth did some interesing posts on the CDCs use of PRRs back in 2021. He made similar observations:

There are many forms of safety signals used in reporting. The pharmacovigilance research community has studied their use well. However exotic many of the algorithms might be, none of them can replace the most basic reporting of magnitudes (simple counts) of outcomes or the statistically normalized per dose or per patient rates of those magnitudes.

The use of PRR (and similarly ARR) is most appropriate when examining adverse events associated with a heterogeneous pool of drugs or other therapies. For instance, a paper by Evans et al used PRR to detect excess proportions of AEs among 15 newly-marketed drugs of different kinds and purposes while detecting 481 safety signals. So, why is it that the CDC and VSD RCA detect absolutely none, despite historically high magnitudes of VAERS reports associated with COVID-19 vaccines that showed high levels of AEs during trials that excluded most high risk demographics (0.7% severe AEs)?

In their 2017 paper, Hauben and Maigen explain the problem known as "signal masking" or simply "masking". To paraphrase:

Masking of high AE magnitude takes place in PRR analysis when drugs or therapeutics are primarily compared with similar medical interventions.

Defining Away Vaccine Safety Signals Parts 1-3


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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Yes, that was the first piece I read of Crawfords and it made perfect sense of what was/wasn't happening re signals.

Then you also take into account what CHD reported - that, some years before, as part of improving the usefulness of VAERS the CDC had an AI program coded to track and alert them to safety signals but it worked so well against the whole "vaccines are safe" mantra that they immediately shelved it. These two things tell you exactly how much they actually care about safety. They don't.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

A steady stream of friends and acquaintances are having medical events, including death, in a way I think I have not seen before. Of course, I am older than I have ever been before. Only one of these people has connected it to the new injectable product. And that makes sense when I look at these tables - the effects are so disparate, most people would not connect them to the jab. Appendicitis? Tinnitus? Stomach problems? And that's without those who are saying they keep getting Covid again and again ...

And most people seem to think that if the jab is going to give them grief, it will be immediate, so as long as they do not develop an illness at once it cannot be connected. That they might have a heart attack five months down the line doesn't seem likely to them.

Oh well, one can only ask as diplomatically as possible: "When did you have your last "vaccine"? Really? And when did your problem develop?"

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

It's not so easy to ask when it is a family member that has developed three life threatening blood cancers. Already having low RBC, the doctor tells the family member that this is extremely rare and is unique. No, really!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Brilliant in a sic way

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Interesting that appendicitis is elevated in 12-17 year olds. I know a 17-year-old (he may have been 16 at the time) who recently had appendicitis. His parents are fully bought into the covid narrative and vaccinated and I assume he is as well, though don't have direct confirmation. His mother has a recent onset, painful autoimmune disease and they all got severe cases of covid.

It boils my blood that innocent gullible people swallowed this crap and are now suffering for it, misled by their doctors who are unable to even tell them the possible origins of their sudden health issues.

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My 70+ year old neighbour developed appendicitis right after her jab.

Whilst in hospital she caught covid.

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My 16 yo daughter's friend AND my 10 yo son's friend BOTH had appendicitis within a couple of months of their jabs. When I heard about the 10 yo I burst into tears. We're witnessing a holocaust.

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It's horrendous.

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Worth noting that the 16 yo friend who had an emergency appendectomy said to my daughter, when she learned that my d was uninjected, "Wow. Good luck with that." This is the level of blindness we're dealing with.

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Brilliant breakdown Josh!


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I'm adding a hyperlink from within my VAERS Interactive Dashboard to this "T Coddiginton" PRR dashboard in above comment. Have you seen my dashboard(s) yet? I'm a big fan of you blokes.

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Great work.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow
Jan 4, 2023Liked by Josh Guetzkow

Well done. That looks like a very useful website, thanks.

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