Vitamin A, The Skeleton Key to Unlocking Health?
No, this post is almost definitely not what you think.
A couple of years before the pandemic hit, I stumbled upon a theory about the underlying cause of chronic and auto-immune diseases. The thesis is simple: the explosion of these diseases since the early 1970s is caused by a corresponding increase in chronic, often sub-clinical, vitamin A toxicity. The theory is laid out in the first two free e-books written by Grant Genereux.
On the face of it, it sounds completely absurd. First because Vitamin A is a vitamin, and we all know that we need vitamins — the more the better, right? Second because how could something so complex and manifold as auto-immune and chronic disease have a single underlying cause? And third because very few people are aware that vitamin A can be toxic. But the fact of vitamin A’s toxicity (AKA hypervitaminosis A) was established even before vitamin A was thought to be necessary for life or vital amine.
But if you look at the known symptoms of chronic vitamin A toxicity, which are far more varied than what you will see with a quick web search, they map very closely onto the known symptoms of various auto-immune and chronic diseases. And if you are reading this, you have likely come to realize that many of the sacrosanct truths of medical science are flawed or upside-down-wrong. Vitamin A is one of those.
For those of you who feel that the people and organizations guiding global health policy are more concerned about profits and power than about actually making people healthier, you might be interested to know that the two main initiatives sponsored by the WHO and the Gates Foundation/GAVI to improve children’s health in 3rd world countries are childhood vaccinations and vitamin A supplementation.
The Gates Foundation has also sponsored the development of genetically modified crops that have higher beta carotene (vitamin A) content, namely golden bananas and golden rice. The scientist credited with the discovery of vitamin A in 1913 was “always mindful of the dairy industry,” but I suppose it is just a coincidence that milk happens to be high in vitamin A. The vitamin market was a major source of revenue for all the Big Pharma companies in the first half of the 20th Century.
So maybe, just maybe, the moneyed interests behind the early science on vitamins might have been more interested in profits and control than in promoting health.
I spent close to two years digging into this topic prior to the pandemic. I have seen many, many people attest to significant improvements or full recovery from years-long or decades-long chronic health problems by making dietary changes.
It turns out it isn’t as simple as reducing vitamin A intake, since vitamin A is stored in the liver and if your liver isn’t healthy, vitamin A and other toxins (like bile acids and heavy metals) can be released in an uncontrolled fashion into the blood stream inducing toxicity even if you aren’t consuming much.
This mechanism, which goes under the umbrella term cholestasis, also helps explain why some people find their health takes a drastic and chronic turn for the worse after they take certain medications, like Ciprofloxacin (aka being ‘floxxed’) and other quinolones, or after they have gadolinium injections for medical imaging, or after they get a vaccination.
I lay out the theory in some detail in this presentation I gave to PANDA on a ‘Unified Theory of Susceptibility to Covid-19 & Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines.’
Here is a link to the slide deck from that presentation with clickable links.
Most recently I spoke with JJ Couey on his livestream about this, though the discussion will make more sense if you first watch the presentation at the link above.
Here is a document I prepared that gives the outlines of the theory and its connection to vaccine injury:
Here is coverage of one of Anthony Mawson’s many papers on the topic, which was favorably reviewed by Dr. Brian Hooker on CHD’s website.
And finally, if you are suffering from vaccine injury (COVID or otherwise) or some chronic or auto-immune disease(s), I strongly recommend working with Dr. Garrett Smith, ND directly or at least join his Love Your Liver program to get dietary advice that is helping hundreds of people heal from chronic health problems. (I don’t receive compensation of any form for referral or recommendation.) [Quick edit: Dr. Smith is going to raise the price of his program beginning July 1 and it will become an annual subscription instead of lifetime access. If you purchase the program before that it will remain lifetime access for $60. It includes access to the MightyNetworks social network of over 1,200 people who are following this diet who can offer advice and support.]
Many, many people have chronic illnesses. Taking care of a chronic illness is a fulltime job and having one can be debilitating. When people are sick, they are powerless. So in my view the most effective way we can steal back our power is by taking back our health. But to do so requires demolishing the tower of lies stacked upon lies over the last century or more.
Thank you for this. Throwing away my vitamin A supplement now... Any idea how long it takes to clear out of the body? I’ve been taking it daily for probably a year, year and a half...
Im in Dr Smiths program and it is really helping me after decades of trying other approaches with little or negative results. Everything the others were adamant would make me well ended up making me sicker. The 60 dollars to join the program was the best 60 dollars I ever spent!