A couple of days ago, the inimitable Igor Chudov started an effort to organize his readers into a brainstorming workshop to try to figure out how to convince or at least plant seeds of doubt in the minds of supporters of the mainstream COVID narrative, especially with respect to the vaccination program.
It’s a great idea and of crucial importance. But it also made me realize that a lot of people haven’t heard of the Reaching People initiative started by the brilliant David Charalambous. David is a master of communication. His “skills include NLP, EFT, General Semantics, System Theory, Process Mapping, Dynamics and Communication. He has built a unique model of communication bringing together models form numerous fields to form a unique and simple to explain systems.” He has decades of experience.
He and is collaborators have built a wonderful website with recorded presentations, short explanatory videos and other goodies. They also have regular on-line meetings around different themes a few times a week you can sign up for. And all of that is free of charge. He’s not trying to make money on this; he’s trying to make a difference.
I can tell you that I used one of his techniques when I was confronted by the head of the maternity unit at Rambam hospital after I wrote my article analyzing their data on miscarriages and stillbirths among vaccinated vs. unvaccinated women. I assured him that we both had the same goals and wanted the same thing (the health of the women and their babies). And it worked!
So check them out at reachingpeople.net
It is very hard to do but I’m practising using David’s techniques and getting better at it. Burying people in data definitely does not work! You have to get the other person talking and questioning their own knowledge and belief. You have to get past their emotional attachment to their belief in the vaccines and get them to tell you the factual information they are relying on. Ask them gentle, non-threatening questions. Do you think the vaccines are effective? How effective do you think they are? What are you basing that on? Why do you think we need mandates? If the vaccine protects you and anyone else who chooses to be vaccinated, why must others be forced to be vaccinated when they have concerns? Would you want to be forced to have a medical treatment you didn’t think was safe? If the vaccine DOESN’T protect you why do you or anyone need to be forcibly vaccinated? Why shouldn’t it be a choice? Do you think the vaccines are 100% safe? How safe do you think they are? These are just sample questions I have used. You have to be very calm, gentle and patient in having the discussion. Don’t be tempted to jump in too soon or answer your own questions. Let them find the answers. It’s powerful to watch when it happens 😊
Great post! Added to my pinned reply. I will write another article with a summary of findings.